Chapter Three - Overrun

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Kaython never ended up finding his sister before Connor and Nelson brought him back to camp. He sat alone in the camper yet again, wishing he was able to find her. Kaython got up and miserably made his way over to the freezer to get the last beer they had left in camp. He let out an exhale as he stretched his arms. "Fuckin' hell." He said to himself under his breath. He was loathing himself for failing as a brother. 'Just stop drinking when shit hits the fan.' He thought, trying to resist another. 'Just grow up and go back out there, and find her.' He kept telling himself. After many moments of negotiation with himself. Kaython caved and grabbed the can. He could feel the ice cubes at the bottom of the freezer brush against his hand as he gripped the small can in his palm. Kaython pushed down on the aluminum cap until he heard a hiss of air come out. He planted himself down on the couch and stared out the window at the drying clothes outside whilst taking large gulps. Three sips in, Kaython stopped. He placed the beer onto the side table next to him before getting up and exiting the camper.

Connor stood on watch by the road, making sure no walkers came into the camp. He held his shotgun in his hands. The grey clouds casted over the open forest they were in. 'It's perfect whether for some rain' Connor thought. It was actually peaceful to him though. Looking out into the distance, feeling the breathing wind grace against his cheek. Until he heard heavy footsteps grow behind him. "What is it?" Connor asked, as he spun around expecting to see Kaython. Before he had a second to react, Connor was wrestling with a walker on the ground. "Bitch! Fuckin' bitch!" He exclaimed, trying to force it off while laying on his back. He held his shotgun as a blockade from the walker's teeth as it snapped at his face. Connor finally built up the strength to push it off and onto it's back, as he got up to his feet and stood over it. Connor pinned his foot down on the walker's arm as it tried reaching for him, but couldn't. "Go to hell, bitch." Connor said like a bad ass as he pressed the barrel of his shotgun to the walker's head, blasting a giant hole through it's brain, leaving blood and walker brain all over the ground.

Nelson sat alone at the edge of a lake he came across after going on a walk to clear his head. It was buried in a thicker part of the forest where the trees were almost twenty inches apart. The silence being broken only by the sound of flowing water was very peaceful and calming. Nelson slowly knelt down to the shimmering water seeing his wavy reflection look back at him. He dipped his finger in the water and swirled it around for a second. It was nice and cold. There was a sweet breeze of wind making this moment all the more perfect to him. It was quickly ruined when Nelson heard a rustling sound coming from the other side of the lake. He trekked around the edge of the water until he reached where the noise was coming from. There was nothing for a moment, maybe it was a deer or something. That's when a walker sprung out from behind a tree and almost tackled him, but he quickly dodged it, causing the walker to splash face first into the water behind Nelson. "Dumbass flesh eating..." He muttered to himself under his breath before kneeling down to stab it in the head. Moments after eliminating that threat, Nelson could hear another walker approach. He looked around the area but couldn't see anything. Just then, from a hill that had a bit of a drop off only a few trees away, Nelson saw two walkers tumble down the drop and onto the roots and leaves. He thought he could take them, but that was before three more fell from the hill, then five more, then ten more. Next thing he knew, there was a full herd coming right at him, growling and limping. "Holy shit..." Nelson said to himself, scared as he turned around and started sprinting as fast as he could back to camp.

Connor thought that shooting maybe wasn't the best decision, realizing it could maybe attract walkers to the camp. The regret of his decision only lasted seconds though, since he figured if all the walkers are in the city then they wouldn't have heard it anyway.

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