Chapter 6: I spilled tea on the dragon lady

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Whitney POV:

I should have realized the minute I woke up that today was not going to be a good day. Maybe it was because I could hear the shrieking of my sister downstairs, mother's voice blending with her's trying to calm her down. Or maybe it was the sound of my grandmother demanding something from one of the maids.

Knowing my sister it was something utterly ridiculous like the plates she wanted were no longer available. That's how she worked. Everything always had to be perfect. If it wasn't then Quinn created drama like no one I'd ever known.

I got out of bed, pulling on a pair of jeans on and a shirt before maneuvering down the stairs. Tip-toeing around the corner into the kitchen.

I could see Quinn in the dining room talking with my mother. Who knows where the Dragon Lady was this morning, probably breathing fire on some innocent victim over a window or bedspread.

I felt like James Bond as I snuck around the corner into the kitchen. Smiling to myself like a certified ninja. If I could do a ninja roll, I would, but I can't and that would probably lead to me knocking into the table and breaking a tea set or something and then my ninja status would not be as awesome.

However, during my inner triumph at avoiding my mother I may have crashed into my grandmother. Who was carrying a tea set in her hand.

The tea moved upwards, jostling the tray and knocking over, right onto my grandmother.

"Oopsies," I whispered, staring at her horrified. Now she was a drowning dragon. Good god, she's going to kill me. Maybe I should move out of the house and go live in the barn. Yeah, that's a good idea. I think I'll do that.

"Whitney," My grandmother started angrily and I flinched back slightly.

"Sorry," I said, "Didn't see you there,"

Which now observing her outfit I wondered how I had missed her. She looked like a purple frosted cupcake. Or maybe Barney. Who wears a purple suit this early in the morning? Honestly she is going to give someone an awful fright when she opens the door.

My mother, upon hearing the commotion rushed into the kitchen. Staring at my grandmother for a moment before turning to face me, hand on her hip and eyes narrowed.

"It was an accident," I said raising my hands. I was completely innocent.

"I am completely innocent, I was minding my own business and I got attacked by Barney in the hall." I explained. That didn't sound very good, but hey, whatcha going to do?

"Whitney, can you do anything right?" Quinn asked, her voice snappy and irritated.

"I am a certified ninja for your information," I said snapping my finger in a z motion, because I can.

"Your grounded," my Grandmother shrieked dumping the tea set on the table. I mean honestly, it's not the 1800's anymore, why is the tea on a bloody silver tray. This family is so strange.

"She's not grounded. She has a horse show tomorrow." My mother said. "But you are cleaning this up, and apologize to your grandmother," My mom said before stalking out of the room, a glaring Quinn following her.

I turned back around to my Grandmother handing her a towel. She yanked the towel from me before huffing and stalking out of the room.

I smiled slightly to myself before grabbing a banana from the counter and rushing out to the car. I must admit I don't feel that sorry for spilling the tea. I must be a bad person, oops.

As I pulled up to school, Melissa one of my best friends walked over to me.

"Hey Whit, How are you?" She asked, tucking her reddish blonde hair behind her ear as she leaned against my car.

"Good, I drowned Barney this morning." I said going through my school binder on the hood of my car.

When I looked up I saw Melissa staring at me curiously before something behind me caught my attention.

"You drowned Barney? Sounds like you had an interesting morning," The boy said and I turned to look at him, my face turning red. Josh. My crush. He thought I killed Barney. Yep, I definitely should have stayed in bed this morning. How do I explain this?

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2015 ⏰

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