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Happy Birthday Kyōjurō Rengōku!!!

Happy Birthday Kyōjurō Rengōku!!!

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Art by me

It's late but fuck it imma write a chapter

Get ready ik ain't nobody gonna read it but dang it I'm in the mood to

Rengoku woke up on that fateful day, May 10th, his 21st birthday. Getting up with a smile on his face he walked out of his room to be greeted by his younger brother Senjuro, "Good morning Aniki!! Happy Birthday!!!" He congratulated him with a smile and a tray with his favorite food. Rengoku smiled even wider and kneeled down to hug his brother, "Thank you Senjuro!! Let us thank the gods that I have been allowed to live another year of life!!" He semi-shouted out.

He carried the tray Senjuro gave him to their table to eat. Senjuro and Rengoku heard a low groan from the room behind them. Their father, Shinjuro Rengoku, stumbled out. "Good morning father! How are you feeling today!?" Rengoku asked cheerfully. His father looked at him with half-lidded, tired eyes and responded, "U-u-ugh... sh-shii..t-tty... sa...k-ke..." Shinjuro mumbled while walking to their cupboards. The 2 boys sighed and looked at each other. Rengoku smiled and Senjuro copied.

Rengoku finished his meal and said goodbye to his family. He walked up a hill near his house, to his mothers grave. He smiled while he got closer, "Hello mother, today I turn 21! I finally become a true man!" He smile slowly faded, "but I wish you were here to celebrate it with me..." he sighed and smiled again, "I should not dwell on those thoughts!! I know you're right here" he laid his fist on his heart "forever!" He bowed and walked away.

Rengoku jogged, killing any demons in his way, over to the 2 annual Hashira meeting. He entered the garden where he was met with his fellow Hashira. Tomioka Giyuu, Kanroji Mitsuri, Shinazugawa Sanemi, Gyomei Himejima, Kocho Shinobu, Uzui Tengen, Iguro Obanai, and Tokito Muichiro. They all looked at him and waved, Kanroji very frantically, Tengen in the most flamboyant way possible and Tomioka a small wave. Rengoku smiled wider and greeted them all "GOOD MORNING!". He went to go stand with them and wait for the master to arrive.

Once Oyakata-sama arrived, they all knelt down to hear Ubuyashiki's report. "Hello my children, I sense that today is a sunny day with a clear blue sky and slightly chilly wind," Kagaya said. "Greetings master! I hope your condition betters and your remaining days are prosperous and good!" Rengoku wished. The master smiled and opened his mouth, "Thank you Kyojuro. Now, before I tell you all on this years report there is something more important I need to adress. Today, someone very special turned 1 year older." All the Hashira whispered among themselves, trying to guess who it was, Rengoku smiled to himself. The only ones who knew were Kanroji and Tomioka. Kanroji because of how close they were and Tomioka because he wanted to know all of the Hashira's birthdays to give them a gift.

"Now, you may stand, Kyojuro" The master said. They all looked at Rengoku while he stood up proudly. Kanroji squealing and Tomioka smiling quietly too himself. Uzui smiled and shouted, "Oh I didn't know my best friend turned 21 on this flashy day!" Rengoku laughed. O Yakarta-saja giggled and went on with that days report.

Once they finished, they were all invited to Tengen house for a birthday party for Kyojuro.

It was late in the night and most of them were passed out, Obanai, Sanemi and Kanroji for getting drunk, Tomioka because Sanemi punched him really hard and Tokito because he was just plain tired. "N-now, bess b-buddy *hic*, s-since yiu are n-now *hic* o' dr-drinking age. Y-yiu*hic* s-sha' bee g-graced w-wiff yiur *hic* f-first taste o' a-alcol *hic*" Tengen slurred while handing him a small shot glass of sake. Rengoku took the small cup and gulped in nervousness. He brought the cold glass close to his lips and quickly drank the burning substance. He coughed as the drink burned down his throat, messing with his brain and making his vision blurry.

"Alcol *hic* i-isn't fur e'ryone man, I drenk a lot so ion't affet meh mush" Tengen slurred again, "Uhm, thank you Tengen. I am NEVER drinking that gain" Rengoku admitted, "Good choice" Shinobu said while drinker her glass of juice.


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