Dear anyone,
I've been in a constant struggle against loneliness and acceptance to the point that I made myself not what I meant to be. The fear of being left out, being alone, having no one to lean to in life. My human social traits craves for it and I got nothing due to the darkness I harbored throughout the years. I'm not supposed to do it. I know I'm all responsible for all of this and I can't make any excuses. Masks fall, lies being exposed, secrets being unraveled and I don't want any of that. I am terrified.
It was that ugliness that makes us wear a mask and we don't want to be exposed. We fear of being not accepted as we are. That nakedness shed in the light, a monstrosity to beckon with.
Knowing no loyalty and only ruining people, I could reform myself and I'm trying. I am really trying. I am fighting but I don't know when will my limit runs out. I deserve everything that happens to me. May the eternal light shine upon my poor dark soul.