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"Flowers for Ji-yeon?" Chaeyoung asked and Jisoo just nodded.

"You've been flirting with her for God knows how long and still hasn't given you an answer? Maybe she doesn't like you? I heard that they had good chemistry with the female lead in the last drama she did. And Eunseo has feelings for Ji-yeon, right ? You have a lot of rivals, my dear best friend"  Chaeyoung said. The two of them had known Bona and her manager Eunseo for a long time, the four of them were high school friends.

"Aren't you in a bad mood because Jennie chose a meeting over you? Why do you look so happy hating on my love life?" Jisoo asked, she had been pursuing the actress for a long time now but her future with her still looks blurry. However, Jisoo believes that it's better to give it a shot than to give up. If Kim Ji-yeon isn't for her at least she lost her while fighting and not just eternally thinking of what ifs and what could have been.

"You mean non-existent love life?" Chaeyoung teased.

"Shut up" Jisoo said annoyed at her best friend.

They arrived at the flower shop and Jisoo parked at the customer space. She invited Chaeyoung to come with her but she refused.

"I'm not in the mood to see and smell flowers. I'll just wait for you here" Chaeyoung said so Jisoo got out of the car alone.

Wrong move.

They didn't know that someone had been following them. And the moment Jisoo left Chaeyoung in the car, it was a chance for them to kidnap Jennie Kim's girlfriend. The car door opened and someone suddenly pulled her, she screamed and called Jisoo, that was enough to make the girl turn around. They immediately covered Chaeyoung's mouth and carried her into the black van.

"Chaeyoung!" Jisoo screamed but one of the men pointed a gun at her. They are wearing black masks. When Chaeyoung got into the van, the men left and got into some other cars that were there and followed the van. Jisoo was shocked by what happened and only came to her senses when the security guard called her, he had a scratch on his cheek. It turned out that one of the kidnappers hit him with a gun when he was about to help.

"Ma'am, are you hurt?" The guard asked.

"We already called the police. It looks like their target is your friend since they only took her. It's good to call her parents or someone else. You can come inside first," said the guard. She's a regular customer in the flower shop so they already know her. 

Jisoo called Jennie because she knew Chaeyoung's dad is with her. If she calls Mr. Park, the old man may have a heart attack.


"Hi!" A voice spoke to her as she regained consciousness. She was already tied to a rusty old chair and was in the middle of a dark room. The only light was the light hanging above her like a spotlight. She waited for her eyes to adjust to the surroundings and she looked at the woman in front of her. She was no longer surprised that this woman could kidnap her.

"Nayeon" she said.

"Oh, I am flattered that you know me. But you know what? You look familiar" Nayeon said, racking her brain where she saw the girl that was tied to the chair. Chaeyoung smiled and chuckled because she remembered how they banned Nayeon from the whole mall when they first met.

"What's so funny? If you only knew that I could do worse to you than that, maybe you would beg me to let you go" Nayeon said annoyed.

"I'm guessing that you thought you could get Jennie for yourself because you're getting rid of me?" Chaeyoung said. She should have been nervous at this point, but her kidnapper was easy to read.

Yes, there is a tendency that Nayeon might kill her because of annoyance but she knows and she is sure that it will not happen.

"It's good that you know. So if you don't want to get hurt worse than that, it's better to just break up with Jennie and stay away. Don't show yourself to her. I'm sure she'll forget you right away. No one can resist me" Nayeon said.

"How about a no? I'm not going to. I won't leave Jennie even if you kill me. I'll stick my soul to her and haunt you until you go crazy. Sounds exciting, right?" Chaeyoung said teasingly.

Nayeon became even more angry and grabbed the gun held by one of her men who was standing near them. She pointed it at Chaeyoung and was shaking with anger. "How about you shut up? Did you think I couldn't shoot you?" Nayeon said with anger in her voice.

Chaeyoung went silent. Not going to lie, she was a little scared. Nayeon is crazy and she could possibly pull the trigger and shoot her if she continues to tease her.

"O-okay, just chill, sissy. I'm not going to fight. I'm tied. And Jennie is yours. Just don't hurt me and my baby. I only have one request, when you already have Jennie, tell her that I am open for co-parenting, money support should be 250,000 won a week, she is rich. She could do it, for the sake of the child" Chaeyoung said.

"What baby are you talking about?" Nayeon asked in surprise.

"I'm pregnant. And it's Jennie's" Chaeyoung answered.

"WHAT??" Nayeon shouted.

"Boss, this is bad. There is a child involved I don't want to kill a child, it's just a baby" said one of the men who abducted Chaeyoung in fear.

"It's going to get worse if you don't keep quiet, stupid" Said another. After a while they heard someone speak from outside.

"IM NAYEON, WE KNOW YOU'RE INSIDE. RELEASE PARK CHAEYOUNG. WE HAVE YOUR FATHER AND HE'S ALREADY ADMITTED TO KIDNAPPING PARK CHAEYOUNG! SURRENDER-" A gunshot was heard from inside followed by a scream. The police ran inside with Jennie. When they went inside, Nayeon's men didn't fight back, Chaeyoung was tied to the chair and Nayeon was crying in front of her.


I am sorry I am very busy. Last one chapter maybe I'll post tomorrow but I cannot promise. Thank you for reading!!

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