Chapter 1.5 - Cruelty (2)

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The next morning, Y/N had not slept at all, watching the area around the house the whole night, Tanjiro and her deceided to finally walk back to Tanjiros House. The friendly man looked at them, muttering a goodbye.

"Take Care Kids."

Kids? Y/N facepalmed internally. If only that man knew how old she was. She and Tanjiro silently walked back through the forest, the snow crunching under their feet. An icy breeze swept through the trees, making them sway a little. Some crows could be heard in the distance, as Y/N watched the younger boy. She was deep in thought about that whole demon thing. How did they look? Where they as dangerous as the ones in Teyvat? Would she have to be prepared for challenging battles? And most importantly, did her karmic debt still weight her down in this reality? The green haired woman perked up as she noticed a strong scent in the air. It smelled irony, like blood. Tanjiro came to a halt next to her, seemingly also noticing the strong scent. Immediately, Y/N started running. She was fast, almost too fast for Tanjiro to catch up to her. Concern was written all over the Adeptus' face as she ran. Was someone in danger? Was it Tanjiros family? Where they alright? Soon, Tanjiro's house came into view and the young man caught up to Y/N, sweat rolling down his cheeks and panic surging through his veins. He was scared. Incredibly so. Y/N slowly walked over to him, placing her hand on his shoulder.

"Whatever it is. I will protect you from it."

Still, Tanjiro didn't seem scared for himself. He was scared for his family. Following Tanjiro's gaze, the adeptus heart throbbed painfully in her chest. Two people where laying infront of the house. A young girl, holding a little boy who seemed no older than 2 years. Y/N swallowed heavily as Tanjiro started screaming, letting his basket fall as he ran over to the two. Following him, the young adeptus pulled out her polearm, ready to strike down the one who was responsible for this. She stood behind Tanjiro who had tears rolling down his face.

"No.. Nezuko! What happened here? What happened?"

She watched as he turned his head to the side, looking into the house. Y/N's eyes followed his and her gaze darkened. Multiple more corpses where lying in the destroyed house, a few of them more children. These must be his siblings, Y/N thought. She was used to scenes like this. Such gruesome bloodshed. Still, she felt the boys pain. She knew exactly how it felt to loose the ones you loved. The ones who you grew up with. How it felt to loose.. family. Tanjiro slid down the doorframe, his form shaking as sobs escaped him.

"Mom.. Hanako.. Takeo.. Shigeru.. Nezuko.. Rokuda."

The girl looked at the floor before walking towards him, placing one of her gloved hands on his shaking shoulders. 


Her eyes moved to the girl whose name was Nezuko. 

"Her body is still warm. But she needs a doctor. Quick."

She knew he did not want to abandon the corpses of his family, but it had to be done or else he would loose the last family member he had. Walking over to the blodied girl, she picked her up in her arms.

"The village. Lead me there."

Tanjiro nodded under tears as the two of them started running through the snow. The girl was at no means heavy to Y/N, yet, her body was rapidly getting colder. Running down the hill, she followed Tanjiro, jumping over fallen trees and rocks as she carried the small girl. She tnesed up as she felt the girls body shift in her arms, looking down alarmedly. 

"Kamado. Wait!"

The body of the girl was twitching and she was making weird noises that almost resembled growls. Tanjiro came rushing towards Y/N but a kick from the moving body send him falling over the edge of a small hill. Y/N immediately reacted, jumping after him, letting the girl's body fall into the snow as she disappeared in a flash of green light, teleporting under the boy and catching him in her strong arms.

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