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I wake up with a stinging pain, it was on my rib cage.

I slowly opened my eyes, a bright light almost blinded me.

I heard someone talking, 2 people, one of them was Vinnie and the other voice i couldnt recognise .

I slowly open my eyes again and the pain just got worse, i was in a small room, Vinnie was smoking on the chair as i guy dat across from me, cleaning my ribcage?

'what?' i say confused.

'do you like it?' the guy covered in tattoo's asks.

'what?' i say again confused.

He makes a picture with his phone of my ribcage and shows me it.

It was a spider and under the spider it said "V.H".

'WHAT?' i say as i jump up.

'wait i didn't wrap plastic around it yet' the tattoo artists says as he pushes me back down and takes the plastic wrap.

'vinnie whats going on?' i ask confused.

He pulls up his shirt as he shows his new tattoo, a tattoo of my name under his spider tattoo.

'ur fucking sick' i say in disbelief.

'you are the one that took my dads number' he says as he lights a other ciggerate.


He inhales the smoke as he slowly blows it out.

The guy gets done wrapping the plastics, i get ip

'UR JUST LIKE YOUR FUCKING DAD' i scream in his face.

I walk out of the weird room, that weird room was in his house? It was in his basement.

I shouldve ran when i could but i 'felt bad' ugh i am so fucking dumb.

I run into vinnies room, it was still a mess.

I take the Baseball from the ground and start hitting in his.

I hitted a whole in it out of anger.


'I HATE MYSELF' i yell as i throw the bat on the ground.

'dont be so hard on yourself' a voice says.

I turn around as i see a old lady, she looked about 70-ish, she had gray hair and she was pretty short.

'can you leave me alone?' i ask annoyed.

The poor woman looks at me sad as she walks downstairs.

Vinnie walks out of the tattoo room.

'whats your problem?' he asks as he looks at the door.

'YOU ARE' i say crying.

He looks at me like i was insane.

'i wish i never fucking met you at that party and i blame myself for not escaping when you were acting like a complete psycho, i really thought that you were gonna change after that' i say disappointed.

'jasmine' he says softly.

'you are a awful person, i could never do this to anyone' i say as i walk into my room and lock the door.

I heard Vinnie walk away.

I look at my room Windows that were still locked, there was no way of me escaping, like ever, i am gonna be here forever.

I sit down on the ground crying, i was so tired, mentally and physical.

I stand infront of the mirror looking at the tattoo, it wasnt that bad but still it was against my consent.

kidnapped// Vincent HackerWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu