Years Later (Prologue)

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Summer is one of your favorite seasons. So many memories, so many things to do. the days seem much longer and the sun is like a close cousin, always around just when you need it. Recently life has been much more interesting. After you and Elias survived that attack in the cafe you were working at many years ago, you started looking at life differently. The truth is life is short and after surviving that ordeal you promised yourself that you wouldn't allow fear to hold you back from making any decisions. You and Elias both agreed to live your lives to the fullest despite the circumstances you were still under. Well, many years have passed and you've certainly gotten older. You've grown, but so has Elias in the best way possible. You've both grown in a special sense too. 

Since the announcement of your child on the way, Elias has been far more protective than usual. Back when you both met, you were under his protection back then as well. You weren't allowed out of his site because people were looking for not just you, but him as well. It would've been foolish to let you go out all on your own without him, so you often traveled together. You weren't lonely though because you had each other, and it was just the beginning of how quickly you'd fallen for him, and how he'd fallen for you. 

When you broke the news to Elias and told him you'd be having a girl, while excited he also grew panicky. He immediately amped up the protection. While you could leave on your own now, he hired members from the family's gang to accompany you as guards, but allow you to have your space. While all the enemies were gone, there's always one that hides in secrecy, that's what Warden taught you. 

Just the other day when you were leaving for the mall to purchase necessities for the baby, Elias stopped you. "Make sure you have your phone near you and on at all times" he urged. "Don't wander too far from the guards, just stay safe for me ok?" Elias brings his warm tawny hand up to caress your face. So worrisome this one.

"I promise I'll be safe, don't worry Elias. I'm not going anywhere" Your calm voice soothes his anxiety.

Today you're decorating your baby's room in soft cremes and violets. You've gotten so used to seeing almost everyone in dark clothing, you figured that since your baby is arriving soon, considering your 8 months along, that the large house you lived in needed much more color. The room reminded you of a soft slice of buttercream cake, you silently hummed as you stuck on stickers of lambs on the violet walls.

You hear the sound of familiar footsteps. One is calmer and the other is fast and sturdy, Elias and Warden walk into the room. 

"Hey little baby" Elias walks over to you and rubs your belly. "And hey bigger baby," Elias chuckles as you playfully shake your head. The warmth of Elias further lightens your mood--an effect that he had on you. "Can't believe you're almost due, it's just so crazy" he rubs your tummy even more focused.

"If you told me that we'd be here 8 years ago, I never would've believed it," Elias smiles softly at you.

"I know" you reply, "I'm so excited but also so scared too though. The fact that I'll be a parent soon feels almost insane, and after all the shit we had to go through, I don't know. Guess I'm scaring myself again" you sigh. Elias gives you an empathetic look. You feel a hand come down on your shoulder, you look up and it's Warden.

"What happened back then, will not happen now or ever again, Elias and I as well as the rest of the Wraiths will always have your back" Warden sterns. His words are true and his eyes read "protect". I know he'll hold his promise. The relationship between Elias's father and I has grown through the years, when I first met Warden, it wasn't under the best circumstances.

He stood at a striking 6'1, taller than Elias. His face while scary had glints of curiosity in it when he saw me. Appearance wise, he isn't that different from Elias, he's got the same black hair, the same eyes, and even lips. You could say Warden is the "well-aged" version of him. He wasn't always this kind but I suppose he had his reasons for suspicion after the hell-fire that went down years ago. I grew to understand he was a wounded old man, who lost the love of his life to a rival gang, Elias's mother. He was never the same after that, but it seems he's turned a new leaf. Especially since hearing about his granddaughter.

"Thank you, Warden, for not just protecting me, but also our baby" You rub your tummy. "She hasn't been born yet and so many people are already looking out for her, really thank you" you smile at Warden.

"She's my granddaughter, and you're my daughter-in-law, no thanks is needed," he says. "It comes with being part of the family." Warden turns to face Elias.

"I need to meet up with James for our monthly meeting with the Execs, stay vigilant, oh, and take care of my daughters," he winks at me before walking out the door. A grin stretches across my face. It's so sweet how protective he's become of me and the little one.

"I don't know who's gotten more softer, you or your dad" you giggle softly.

Elias smirks at you. "By far, definitely my dad, I mean I haven't seen him this soft in a long time. The last time I saw him like this was back when my mom was alive, he was always stern but whenever he saw my mom, it's like that stern layer crumbled down and disappeared." Elias looks around the room at your work. "Thank you for bringing him back."

"WE, brought him back babe, it wasn't all me," you say. You turn yourself to the honey-colored rocking chair in the room and pick up more stickers. Elias walks next to you, takes a sticker of a motorcycle, and sticks it on the crib.

"Our baby is gonna be spoiled rotten, just you wait" he boasts. "She's gonna get all the hip clothes, fun toys, honestly anything she wants will be hers". 

"I don't doubt it, have you seen the stuff animals James got her already?" you question. "She won't be able to play with half of those toys until she's at least a year or more." Laughter arises out of the both of you.

After another long hour of decorating your baby's room, you and Elias stand back and watch in amazement at your hard work together. The room came together so lovely, you desperately wanted to post pictures of it on your Instagram but Elias's thought it'd be a good idea not to show too much of where we lived in case rivals still decided to lurk about. So I settle on posting it to my personal story where only friends and family could see it.

"Well now that we got our parental duties out of the way," Elias backs you up against the wall. "I'm tempted to snack on you."

Elias kisses you tenderly on the lips and starts to run his lips down your jawline. His craft was delicate and sensual. He knew exactly what spots to suck and you found yourself melting into his touch more, and more. This would be the last time before the baby is born that you guys could have sex, so you accepted his fast yet love-drunk kisses all over your body.

"My Barista" Elias moans. "You make me so weak, god I'm needy as fuck for you". You loved how Elias melted under your touch, it's not like you ever had to do much, he was always so responsive to you.

A heat rises between your legs and you start to rub yourself against Elias's knee. You wanted him so badly right now.

"Let's go to the bed Elia-" you gasp as you feel Elias nibble on the sensitive part of your neck. "Mhmm, god you've gotten so good at that."

Elias looks into your lust filled (y/e/c) eyes, he wanted to devour you.

As he brings you to the bedroom you feel excited. The rush of sexual adrenaline was in full swing and you had every intention to go completely wild. As you hit the bed Elias starts to frantically remove his clothes, you do the same. Your (y/s/c) glistens in the afternoon summer sun, it was enough to drive Elias mad. 

"I wanna take my time baby since this'll be our last time for a while, " he's breathless.

You nod furiously and dive back into Elias's touch while you both kiss some more. You lay back down on the king sized bed you and Elias share and watch as Elias comes down on you once more, he loved being on top, it made him feel like he could protect you forever and you loved it just as much as he did. As you two start to move on your lower regions you feel a sharp pain in your abdomen. You ignore it thinking it was just a pregnancy cramp, Elias doesn't seem to notice.

As Elias starts to pull down your pants you feel one final pain, water begins to rush out of you.

The baby was early.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2023 ⏰

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