Chapter 13

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The last time......

"HI thank you for meeting me here." The voice says to the brunette as they sat down at the table. "I know this is wrong but I need your help and you are the only one I could remember from the club that night."

And now....

Rachel shakes her head as she looks away from the Latina. "I-i-i don't know if I could be any help and Quinn would be mad if she finds out that I met up with you."

Santana nods her head before leaning back in her seat. "Listen I know this is wrong on so many levels but I need to know is Quinn is telling the truth about all of this." She asks seriously as she looks over at the Jewish woman. "Is Quinn really my wife?"

Rachel looks everywhere in the coffee shop except at the Latina. She still blames herself for the accident that night, the opening night of funny girl. If she wouldn't have gotten the lead in the show Quinn and Santana wouldn't have been out that night.

Santana grabs her bag and pulls out the photo album Quinn gave her the last time she saw her along with the plastic bags.
"I really don't want to find out by a DNA test is Quinn is my father of my son." She says looking straight into her eyes.

"Mom for the last time I'm fine okay? I don't know why Kitty having you stressed out about me I'm grown and I can take care of myself." She says seriously as she rolled her eyes while leaning back in her seat.

"So you don't have your knee up with a bag of ice on it?" She asks her daughter. "And Lucy don't lie about it." Judy says seriously while using her motherly tone and Quinn knows she means business.

Quinn quickly removed the bag of ice and sits up straight while looking around her office. "How did you know that?" The younger blonde asks her mother. "Are you spying on me?"

Judy opens the door while ending the call and folds her arms across her chest.

"When did you get here?" She asks while struggling to stand up a little before falling backwards into her chair.

"Exactly let's go." Judy says helping her up and out of the chair and out of the office. "Ash dear can you call Kitty and let her know to meet Quinn and I at the hospital please." She says on her way out while supporting Quinn's weight.

Rachel hasn't said a word yet and the Latina was getting very impatient with her.

"What's the worst you could tell me huh?" Santana asks her. "I know it's wrong for me to have feelings for Quinn while I'm married to Brittany but I do and if this is her baby I'm carrying now well help me God because I'm in trouble." She says with a straight face.

"What? Are you pregnant?!" Rachel yells out loud as the other few people who were in the coffee shop looks at them.

"Shhh okay?" She says paying for their drinks and pulls her into the bathroom after leaving the table.

"What do you mean you are carrying her child again?" Rachel says to her in a hurst tone of voice.

Santana knew that would get the smaller girl to talk but she also knew this baby couldn't be Brittany's baby since she been wanting another child ever since Devin was 2 years old and Brittany could never delete but the few times with Quinn never failed her and she was the only person she was having sex with besides Brittany and she just let her back into the house. Devin looks like the shorter blonde when she was a child and nothing like Brittany at all.

"So it's true huh Quinn is actually my wife and Devin is her son and I'm totally living a lie huh?" She asks leaning backwards against the sink.

"I'm the reason why you don't remember anything with Quinn." Rachel says with a straight face. "That night my boss of the play wanted to hire Quinn to shoot the play and some pictures from the after party and he offered her a lot of money which and it was going towards her studio and Randy and she couldn't refuse to turn it down." She says on the verge of crying. "I'm so sorry Santana I didn't mean for this to happen." She says fully crying.

Santana moved away from the sink and over to Rachel to held her as she cried. She didn't know what to say or to do she doesn't remember anything about her old life but one thing for sure is she wants Quinn in her life. "Let's get out of here before someone thinks we are weird or something." She says pulling away from her.

"Yeah you're right," Rachel says pulling away from her and wipe her eyes. "I know you probably won't forgive me but I'm really am sorry and hope we can be friends one day."

Santana knows she will have to be friends with the short Jewish woman if she wants Quinn in her life permanently after all she does have a 4 year old son with her and another baby on the way from her. "Yeah I'll like that and I'm sure you and my best friends Kurt and Blaine will become best friends as well." She says smiling while nodding her head.

Rachel hugs her one time before leaving Santana alone by herself in the bathroom.

Brittany and Devin were sitting in the park on the beach having an ice cream cone. Brittany wasn't really saying anything to her but she would stop and look at him every so often like she was studying him.

"DJ can I ask you something about mami?" Brittany asked her son while moving off the beach to kneel down in front of him.

Devin looks up from his ice cream cone and looks at her with a smile on his face.

"When I was out working did mami have any friends over to the hotel?" She questioned him while staring back at his green eyes which they were identical to Quinn. Brittany waited a few minutes to see if Devin would the little boy open his mouth or not. "I promise you I won't tell mami this is our little secret okay?" She says nodding her head.

Devin shakes his head no before going back to his ice cream.

Brittany gets up and sighs as she moves to sits back next to him as her phone rings and it was Rebecca. "Hey you..."

"So in this area right here we have to drain the fluid out before adding the plates in alongside with the screws and that's gonna take 6 to 9 months to recover if not probably longer Lucy." The doctor tells her and Judy.

Quinn looks over at her mother before looking down knowing she messed up big time.

"Thank you doctor you can schedule the surgery for tomorrow morning." Judy says shaking her hand as she stands up and walks the nurse and the doctor out before looking back at Quinn.

"Don't you start okay?" Quinn says straightening herself up in the bed.

Judy threw her hands up.

"I already know what you are gonna say and I don't want to hear it this is the third or fourth surgery and each time you start off strong then after awhile you just don't give a damn after physical therapy is over."

"You are right but I don't know why you were pushing yourself so hard when you know money isn't a problem for you and you are doing so well with your studio and opening up the second studio what the hell is going on with you?" She asks sitting down on the bed next to her.

Quinn thought about the past few weeks she had with Santana and Devin and the last time she saw the Latina. It broke her heart that the Latina didn't believe her or the fact she gave her the evidence that they were together and not a single call or text from her. She gave up on them ever getting back together or just being friends in general and she knows Santana probably thinks she is crazy and she made the whole thing up and it freaked her out.

"Santana." Quinn says after awhile when the room fall silent. "I was spending time with her and one day boom I decided to tell her the truth and she freaked out on me and I haven't heard from her since."

Judy just sat there for a moment without saying a word to her daughter. "You need to get some rest and I'll be back here first thing in the morning." She says as she kisses her forehead so she could give Quinn some alone time before her surgery in the morning.

Santana was back home after leaving Rachel and dropping off the simples of the DNA. She feels bad about it but at the same time she wants to know the truth about Brittany and Devin but if Quinn was telling the truth about everything then she knows things will be different for ever but she doesn't know if she will ever be ready.

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