Chapter 12

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Santana pulls back from the kiss and looks up at Quinn like she was crazy. "You're crazy okay.'' She says standing up as she moves away from Quinn who was still on her knees in front of her. "You can't love me because you don't even know me Quinn." She says shaking her head as she walks out of the bathroom. She can't believe this is happening to her right now. "I gotta go." She says grabbing her things.

"Okay but Santana listen to me okay?" Quinn begs her as she pulls on the Latina's arm and turns her around so they were face to face. "I'm not a stalker or anything I'm your wife, your real wife and your son Devin is our son." She says with her tears in her eyes as she decided to tell her the truth. "You lost your memory in a car accident few years ago and you were married to me." Quinn rushed out as she remembers that night perfect in her head.

Santana started laughing to keep herself from crying. "What kinda Lifetime movie have you been watching Quinn?!" She yells at her as the blonde felt her heart shattered into a million pieces. "I don't know you okay? We talked a few times and hooked up once doesn't mean you know me or in love me okay?!" She yells at the blonde who was already crying.

Kitty and Mercedes just walked into the apartment and saw the two of them. "Um is this a bad time?" Kitty asked as she stops by the door way blocking Mercedes view.

Mercedes looks over at Kitty and shakes her head. "Shit I don't think this will end well." She says seriously.

"No," Santana says sniffing. "Where is your room? I need to get MY son." She says to Quinn as she walks down the hallway.

The blonde shakes her head as she led them to her room and opens the door for Santana to walk inside.

Devin was dead asleep in the middle of the bed as Santana smiled to herself she didn't want to wake him up after the fun he had in the park today with Quinn and the other kids. She couldn't remember when the last time Brittany have ever took the day off to have family time with them like Quinn just did and she barely knows her.

Looking around the room Santana saw pictures of Quinn with her and her friends and family till she saw a picture of Quinn kissing a girl who looks just like her in a wedding dress before she felt light headed and dizzy. "Quinn?" She calls out to the blonde before passing out.

It was a few minutes later when Santana came to in the living room as she quickly sits up before getting pushed back down.

"Hey easy, you just passed out." Kitty tells her as she was the one who pushed her back down on the couch.

"No!" She yells as she kicks the blonde girl and stands up. "Where is Quinn?" She ask panicking. "Where is fucking Quinn now!"

"Damn you fucking bitch." Kitty says holding on her side from where the Latina kicked her. "Lucy come get this bitch because I kick her ass!" Kitty yells as she backs away from Santana.

Quinn comes running in carrying an ice pack in her hand for the Latina. "What happened?" She asked her best friend as she looks between the both of them as Mercedes tries to hold her laugh in.

"Can you please ju...." Santana starts to say as her phone rings and it was Brittany her wife calling. Santana looks at the phone before denying the call. "What the hell is going on here?" She asked out loud to anyone before looking over at Quinn just as her phone rings again before she denied the call again. "How the hell you have a picture of me in a wedding dress?" She asked freaking out a little. She doesn't even have wedding photos from her with Brittany.

Just then Alexis came out barking loud at Santana as the dog misses her owner as she tries to jump on her.

"Lexie no!" Mercedes yells as she gets up and picks up the dog as she starts to whine a little while Santana was looking lost still.

The Latina takes a deep breath as she sat down on the couch as she holds her head.

"Hey are okay?" Quinn ask as she slowly moves over to the Latina as she placed the ice pack on the back of her head for her.

"I seen that dog before but I just don't know where." She says looking over at Alexis.

Quinn looks at her friends before standing up and walking back to her room and comes back a few minutes later with a photo album. "Listen I'm not crazy and I know the God honest truth that you are my wife Santana." She says seriously as she hands her the album full of memories. "You can take it home with you and look through it if you want I'm gonna go get Devin so I can take you home." The blonde says leaving the living room.

Santana looks at Kitty before looking at Mercedes as she runs her fingers through her hair as she opens and closes her mouth a few times before shaking her head. "Is Quinn lying about all of this?" She ask on the verge of crying as she tries her best not to cry in front of strangers. She likes Quinn she really do but she's married and she just cheated on her no good wife while Quinn has been nothing but good to her since they met.

"Are you ready?" Quinn walks out carrying a half wake Devin who had his head laying on the blonde's shoulder.

Santana nods her head before standing up with her purse and the photo album before following Quinn out.

The car back to the hotel was quiet as neither Quinn or Santana spoke a word to each other. Pulling in the parking garage Quinn cuts the engine off before getting out of the car to help Devin out.

"I guess I'll see you around?" The Latina ask as she gets out with her things.

"Yeah, bye buddy." Quinn says to Devin who hugging her legs before going over to Santana as the blonde walks away.

It's been a few weeks since Santana heard from Quinn and the blonde has been on her mind lately. She look through the photo album when she had time by herself and wrote down questions she wanted to ask Quinn and questions she has for her parents as well her own parents and Brittany of course.

"Hey babe I'm gonna take Dj out for some ice cream." Brittany says walking into the Latina's office.

Santana looks up at the tall blonde with a fake smile on her face. "Yeah that's fine but don't let him eat too much before dinner please?" She asked her as she stop typing on her computer.

"Yeah I can try." The blonde said smiling.

"Whatever." She says rolling eyes as she stood up. "I have a meeting but I should be back by 6 to start on dinner."

"Sounds good to me." Brittany says as she walks over to the Latina. "Thank you for letting me back in." She says seriously as she was standing face to face with the Latina as she leans forward and tries to kiss her.

Santana sides step her. "Only because of Devin." She say clearing her throat. "I'll be back in a few." She says walking out of her office before Brittany could say anything.

Santana made it out to her car before checking both plastic bags she needed before pulling out of the parking garage.

"How's the leg holding up?" Artie asked as he brings her that ice pack and her medicines.

"It's fine, I just pushed myself too hard today." She says in pain as she placed ice pack on her sore knee.

Every since that day with Santana, Quinn has been keeping herself busy with work and any other things she could do to keep her mind off of Santana. She had the opportunity to tell her everything but she couldn't do it, not how the Latina freaked out about her confession.

"Just today?" Artie asked her as he looked over to the blonde. "You been pushing yourself for the last few weeks and you haven't told me anything what's going on with you and I'm sorry that woman doesn't want you but you don't have to be mean and rude to your best friend here." He says getting cut off by Quinn's reception.

"Quinn, Mrs. Fabray is on line three." Ashley buzzed in.

"I'll see you later boss." Artie says leaving the office as Quinn picks up the call.

"Hi thank you for meeting here." The voice says to the brunette as they sat down at the table. "I know this is wrong but I need your help and you are the only one I could remember from that night at the club."

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