Chapter 6

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Four years later

"Quinn are you ready?" Kitty asked her as she came and picked her up from physical therapy.

Quinn had to learn how to do everything over such as learning how to use her hands and feet and leaning how to drive again. It was hard on her for a long time especially since she had to learn how to walk again. She went from wheelchair to crutches to a cane to walking without any help. She still have to go to physical therapy for her legs since she had surgery to reset a bone in her left leg. They had to place 6 screws and 2 bolts in her left leg. It were some days she couldn't drive herself as she was having nightmare where the accident happened all over again.

"Yeah are we still going grocery shopping? It might be good for my leg if I walk around some more." The tall blonde says as they both walked to the car and got in.

"Yeah, that's fine." Kitty said starting up the car and pulling out of the parking lot.

Kitty been helping out as much as she can after the accident she was afraid that she was gonna lose her best friend as she lost her wife and son. She offered to move in with her after her parents left and went back to Ohio but Quinn said no she wanted to move somewhere else.

It's been four years since Quinn lost her wife Santana and their baby Randall in the car accident. She was told once they arrived to the hospital they were DOA dead on arrival. Quinn was hurt for months and blame herself for everything that happened that happened that night. Her parents flew out as soon as possible once they heard about the accident and were devastated as well. They were finally get to become grandparents after Santana became pregnant with Quinn only having a 50 percent chance of getting pregnant. It got so bad for her that she had to sale the house cause of the memories that they shared together.

Her in laws didn't care so much about her and blame everything on her for killing their daughter and their future grandchild that they didn't know about. Quinn didn't even get to go to the service of her wife and baby as her parents had her body send back to L.A. that same day to be buried.

Flashback: Recap four years ago

"Hey buddy, you have one month left cut your mamma some slack." Quinn said rubbing her stomach as she felt her son kicking "do you need to go to the hospital?" Quinn said with worry in her voice.

Just as Santana was about to respond the car behind them started honking as soon as the light turned green and Quinn started to go when a truck ran the red light and hit them flipping the car over and over and the last thing she could remember is Santana screaming.

The next thing Quinn heard was police and ambulance sirens and she was in and out of it and the only thing she was worried about was Santana and the baby as she couldn't feel her legs as she was screaming help her she's pregnant!.

After that Quinn doesn't remember anything as she went unconscious after they pulled Santana body out of the car and there was blood and glass everywhere.

As she woken up a few days later she was met with the eyes of her parents starring at her and the first thing she asked for was her wife. Judy didn't want to be the bear of the bad news but someone had to do it and the look on Russell face was definitely saying he wasn't gonna saying he didn't have the heart to tell his baby girl that she lost her wife and baby.

As Judy leaned over on the side of the hospital bed as she was holding Quinn's hand she looked deep into her hazel eyes the same as her husband Russell "Quinnie, there's no easy way to tell you this, but Santana and the baby didn't make it, they passed away." Judy said as she started crying again. Kitty, Russell, Judy and Marley had all being crying none stop since the accident happened.

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