Chapter 3

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Summary: Zenitsu has a flash of his former life.

"Does it still hurt? You poor thing."

Of course, Zenitsu wouldn't miss a chance to have his wives dote on him. That greedy feathery brat whined in Hinatsuru's embrace as she petted his hair with fondness. It always surprised Tengen how quickly they warmed up to the demon. Long gone were the days when his girls kept kunais at hand in case they had to deal with Zenitsu. Now they eagerly cuddled the brat and admired his wings.

Tengen sat another bowl and a pair of chopsticks at the low table. They were preparing for dinner. Suma and Makio watched over the food while he and Hinatsuru were supposed to set the table. Of course, as soon as Zenitsu peaked his head from under the cover of the futon, with tears threatening to spill, Hinatsuru abandoned her task and went to check on the brat.

Last night both of them visited the Butterfly Estate. Shinobu's instructions were clear. Bring the demon over once a month to examine the long-term effects of the collar and test on him other little surprises. It honestly irritated Tengen to no end that the brat threw fits every time before they had to leave. Last night was no different. He followed with all his pathetic tactics of first begging, then crying and finishing with trying to hide. Why couldn't Zenitsu get it through his thick skull that the only reason why he was still alive was due to Shinobu's need for test subjects and Tengen's generosity?

"I-It was so horrible! S-she stuck this needle in my wings and it burned! It hurt so bad!"

"I'm so sorry!"

Hinatsuru frowned and hugged him even tighter. Tengen couldn't help but roll his eyes. This coward led a life of leisure at his house and he couldn't stomach a little plain? Pathetic. His regenerative powers were not hindered too much by the collar. Honestly, his wives had forgotten that this "innocent" boy was actually a man-eating demon, kept in check only by the pesky collar on his neck. Tengen had no doubts that Zenitsu would attack them if his thirst overpowered his senses. He was no tame demon like Tanjirou Kamado's sister.

"I wonder what is Shinobu working on..." Hinatsuru mused as she gently rubbed the demon's back in a soothing manner.

"Beats me. You don't expect her to tell me what secret projects she's cooking, now do you? I just drop off Golden boy and do something else in the meantime."

At that, his pet had the guts to sneer and glare. Tengen sent an equally hostile look his way. He was still feeling irritated from having to drag Zenitsu's whiney ass back home.

"Oi, food is ready!"

Makio and Suma placed the steaming hot plates on the low table.

"Come on, you three. Let's eat!"

"Zeni, will you sit next to me at dinner? Pleease?" Suma asked carefree as usual and surprise, surprise, the brat appeared next to her in an instant.

Could he get ever more obvious than that? That thirsty bastard.

Tengen sighed and took his place between Makio and Hinatsuru. It was time to let anger melt away and enjoy the food. He planned to spend the rest of the night with Makio, probably shoved against some surface not made for passionate love. It was always intense like that with his lioness. All the better if Hinatsuru and Suma wanted to dote on their pet. He wouldn't need to worry about the pesky bird walking in on them.

All of them started to fill out their bowls, including Zenitsu. It was oddly endearing to watch the demon stuff his face with fried rice. Every time he chewed a morsel, his eyes would light up and he would moan in delight. Too bad human food didn't sate his deep hunger. But it still made the boy very happy to be included and acknowledged in such a manner.

Suddenly, Zenitsu froze with the rice bowl in his hand. His face had a deep frown that put the rest of them on edge. Perhaps his demon stomach did have a limit after all. Suma put her hand on his shoulder and shook gently but the boy still didn't respond.

"I-I remember this taste." He finally spoke and broke the thick tension in the air.

"Well, we had it last week too, Zeni."

"No. I remember this taste. I-I think a memory flashed in my head. B-but I'm not sure. It was just sensory. "

Now that was a turn of events that Tengen didn't expect. He would have to send a crow to Ubuyashiki as soon as possible. He watched Zenitsu cup his face in hands as he tried to recall.

"I heard a burst of hoarse laughter. A man's voice. And suddenly my mind was flooded by this strong taste. Uh. And what else? What else-" Zenitsu started to rub his temple hard. "There was something else! I'm sure of it but, but I can't put my finger on it. Why?"

The boy started to take shallower breaths. His wings began to twitch as his fingers formed tight fists. Zenitsu's eyes were trained on the table and he wrapped his wings tightly around himself. It was clear to Tengen that he was succumbing to a panic attack. He hadn't seen the demon boy this disturbed since the days he was held captive at the Butterfly Estate.

It wouldn't do good for the brat to close in himself right now. The fact that he could regain his memories was a game-changer for all of them. The former Pillar would have to distract him somehow.

Tengen wasted no time and walked behind Zenitsu. In the months they spent together, he liked to think that he had figured out what made their bird sing and relax and what brought him on the edge of sobbing.

The man swept his fingers through the golden feathers and, as expected, the demon shuddered. They had fully healed since last night and that gave his touches some confidence. Tengen began to gently rub the base of one of the wings. He would start from the root of the feathers and lightly sweep his fingers between them as he got to the tips.

"You are doing so well, brat." Tengen praised as Zenitsu's trembling wing leaned into his touch. "From now on you will remember even more!"

"Y-you really think t-that?"

Suma petted his hair lovingly as Hinatsuru switched places with Tengen. Two hands could certainly cover more of Zenitsu's wingspan.

"Of course, it is amazing that you even remembered that!"

Tengen doubted that he would forget what Zenitsu had recalled earlier, but he still rushed to the drawers to find some paper and his brush to write everything down. As Makio prepared the ink stick, he watched their pet closely.

The boy's cheeks were tinted crimson and he eagerly rested his head on Suma's chest as she embraced him. Hinatsuru had stopped toying with his wings as soon as Zenitsu calmed. They didn't need to make him pass out from this "torture". His wings rested fully open on the floor in a somewhat obscene fashion that made Tengen smirk. Perhaps they had overstimulated the brat after all.

As he began to write down the words of Zenitsu's former life, Tengen's heart filled with a sudden rush of adrenaline. One day this boy will walk in the sun. He couldn't wait to witness that. 

Collared (Uzuzen) (Uzui Tengen x Agatsuma Zenitsu)Where stories live. Discover now