chapter 13

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"Wow this place is amazing it has that warm cosy feeling around it".as I look around the place which was decorated with a warm brown colour with milky white with well selected furniture made mostly out of wood and neatly decorated pictures of random yet expressful paintings

"I know right I alway did come here when I was little with my dad".as she walked over to the nearest table which looked so cosy that you could sleep on it.

As we all followed her we were shortly greeted by a nice looking lady who looked like she was around her 40s or 50s

"Good day to you all how may I help you".giving us a warm motherly smile as she approached were we were seating.

"Ajumma is that you".mina said with wide eyes as her gaze fell on the woman.

"I didn't know you were still here I taught you resigned or something".giving her a tight hug as she berried her face on the woman's chest.

"Mina look at you your all grown up now and who says I'd resigned, i am the owner of this shop after all.she laughed as she still held on to mina.

" but when I came here last time you were not around I was greeted by a girl". As she looked up to the woman from where she placed her head

"Oh silly that's my granddaughter and she was just covering up for me while I was out and besides who are all these your lovely friends they look about her age". As she set her gaze on us all again. the motherly smile never leaving her lips.

" oh how rude of me this is y/n and that is her twin brother jin those two are jimin and Tae and that's my boyfriend yoongi" as she identified us to the elderly looking lady.

"Good after noon mam". We all said with.

"Oh look at you already having a boyfriend you look so handsome along with you three". As she referred to jin,taehyung and jimin.

"not to mention your lovely looking friend over here what's your name again y/n right".her gaze returning towards me.

"Yes mam that's my name and you're also looking so lovely today I really love the way you decorated your shop".

"Aw why thank you". Giving us her famous warm motherly smile

"What does the paintings mean" taehyung interrupted as he gazed fell upon the paintings.

"Not all paintings have meaning tae, they are just there to beautify". jimin answered

"Well in fact they do have meaning these paintings came from all around the world as I traveled from one place to another when I was younger they each have their own sentimental value like this one"

"it was gotten from Germany the art piece is normally referred to as The Scream created by Edvard Munch it mostly describe the anxiety of the human condition and I found it very interesting while some people thought of it as scaring or that the artist must have been in pain while painting it I thought he was actually trying to justify his Main emotions at that point of time"

"And this one over here was gotten by an unknown artist it's actually state that you should never be trapped in someone else's dream". She summarised as she was looking through the paintings.

" wow are you an artist yourself you seem to connect with all the paintings".yoongi asked with stars in his eyes as he looked at the lady

"Well I wanted to be.I actually studied aesthetic and nutrition as a course but things didn't actually turn out the way I wanted.never mind that what would you guys like to have". As her motherly smile appeared back on her face

"Oh um we would love your famous hamburgers please". I said returning the smile back to her

" she loved the ones you made but unfortunately she didn't get to finish it so I promise to bring her here and they decided to tag along" she explained while facing the boys

"that's a shame I'll bring those for you guys".as she went into the kitchen minutes later she came back with plates of hamburgers in a tray

"Enjoy".she smiled as she dropped the plate down and left

"thank you ajumma".we all said in single and started digging in

We finished them all and even ordered more till our tummies were full to their highest pick we then split the check since we all offered to pay for it then we were about to leave but decided to talk to Ajumma first

"Ajumma never give up on a dream that you have been chasing almost all your life be yourself people don't have to like you and you don't have to care".jimin said as he looked at the elderly lady

"Oh what a wise one I always keep that in mind thank you". as we all had a group hug

"Always remember you were born to be real not to be perfect". yoongi added as we were heading out

" oh what a philosopher boyfriend you have there mina he is surely a keeper". She winked." And thanks for coming hope to see you all next time"

"You'll definitely be seeing more of me". I said

"and me too". taehyung shouted as we left for the door and ajumma waved us goodbye

"Were heading home".jin informed to the others as he grabed my hands and the others waved us goodbye

"See u after the weeked" as we all parted ways for our various homes.

Authors note:

Hey is anyone seriously still reading this book

I'm sorry for the wait I decided to take a break and ended up forgetting about the book all together I can't promise any update so far

and once again sorry if this chapter was shity 💜

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