Chapter 2

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„Wait Minjun!"

I haven't heard my name coming out of someone else's  mouth from this school for a long time, expect it being teachers. Nothing at this school changed anyways. The same walls, same rooms, same people.

He is standing tall infront of me while he is about to hand me his mobile phone. I even had to raise my neck to look properly at him.

,,We're gonna need your number so we can text each other for the project" he said while his brown curls fell onto his forehead.

Reaching for his phone, I could smell his perfume coming from his chest area and while our hands touched briefly, for a second I thought he also felt the short sensation of subtle warmth in our touch, until that short moment was interrupted of a short red haired girl standing beside him.

,,What kind of task is that?" she said nervous and showed us the sheet with a few tasks from Ms Brend that we had to fulfill for the project.

-TASK 1 team building; Do a social activity with your partner, take a picture and stick it in the journal. The first step is to strengthen the relationship to make a great presentation!

„Well Ms. Brend always said that we should have atleast a little fun in our life besides school" The curl boy said casually while typing his number into my phone.

,,Your Name is Jude?" I asked before I could take my curiosity back which led me way too often to the wrong way.

He nodded while not even looking at me since he studied the other tasks at the paper.

,,This Name is derived from Greece which kinda means praised or being praised." I said

Jude looked up from the paper abruptly and gazed at me with his dark brown eyes and started to smile.
,,Really? I never knew that. What's yours name origin?"

I wasn't sure if I just wasn't prepared for this  sudden question or mesmerised by his face since I stumbled a little bit to answer it.

,,It it is a two syllable Korean name." I began, and my voice tightened a little bit out of sudden nostalgia, „my cousin tends sometimes to call me Jun"

,,I like that. Like the month June"

I smiled at Judes comment, it was weird to me, that someone had genuinely interest about my background. I never actually noticed him a lot, since we just had psychology class together and he seemed to switched to this class recently. The only thing about him I know, that suprisingly he is one of the best football players in the school. And for some reason, he didn't had this big attitude at all like these other guys in the football team. He seems okay.

,,Maybe we could go to a cafè?" suggested Lucie, a little less annoyed than before, when she realized that I was joining their group too. I was sure that she also felt the cold silence between us. I saw her flickering into my direction and I catched a small hint of a strange emotion. Guilt.
I should have done that damn presentation on my own.

Jude's face lit up brighter than a thousand suns could ever shine.
„I have an even better idea. Let's go to a cat caffé"


A white fluffy ball brushed my legs and the scent of fresh coffe beans was constantly tickling my nose.

The second we entered the café, Jude had already a cat in his arms and refused to let it go even though his coffee probably had gotten cold.

,,It was a mistake to go here, we won't finish any work at all." Lucie giggled while watching Jude who tried to get rid of the cat hair which got into his mouth.

„So, are you two a thing?"

I have no idea why the hell I asked that.

As if time had stopped, the two hesitated for a second and then looked at me as if I murdered their uncle. They both probably didn't really know what to answer and just waited for each other to break the silence first, while I just wanted to slap myself. Normally I don't care about other peoples business and don't speak  about it or ask questions either.

Jude was the one who spoke up first.

„Uhm- not really no. We're just friends."

Lucie exhaled tensely as if she had been holding her breath the whole time as she was waiting for his answer.

I quickly changed the topic since I needed to get rid of this awkwardness as soon as possible.
,,Okay, does anybody know someone who suffered from ptsd or similar disorders, we could do an interview for the practical part."

Lucie's gaze jerked away from Jude and nodded.
„My brothers girlfriend used to have or does have light schizophrenia but now it has gotten better than it has before. I'm sure she wouldn't mind if we ask about her living with that disorder."

,,Great. Or not. Not great, but does she have time today? It would be great if we could finish that project as soon as possible."

I just want to finish this project with Lucie as soon as possible.

,,I agree, next week we're going to have a lot of football training sessions before playing against," Jude sharpened his eyes," Californias ravens."

,,I completely forgot about this dramatic battle against them." Lucie rolled with her eyes signalising that football wasn't necessary something she cared about a lot. She continued, „normally Sara has this week off so I think we could ask her for a visit if you guys have time."


It was a warmer and sunny April evening, which surprised me a bit as it had only rained the last few days. I was waiting in the beginning evening sun and it shined directly in my eyes which caused me to cover them with my hand, but a tall shade covered it already for me.

Jude was standing in front of me, rubbing his eyes tired. As far as I know he had a training session today and he smelled fresh and a little bit like cedarwood, coming probably just out of the shower since his curls were still a little wet. And although I didn't want to stare at his body so obviously, I couldn't take my eyes off his upper body because his tense muscles were slightly visible on his white shirt.

,,Lucie said we could go up to the 6th floor she is already there." He smiled relaxed, trying to suppress a yawning.

,,Ms. Brend should us better give an A for this project, I mean we're investing here real free time." He said while pressing the button from the elevator to the 6th floor.

I smirked a little without saying anything, I hate to seem that shy to new people but I just can't break the habit.

The elevator stops after an unusually short time and I took a step forward but Jude was just standing still, drew his eyebrows together and looked at me with his dark eyes.


He persisted to call me like that.

I shouldn't have gotten this weird tingly feeling in my stomach which spread out to my neck area.

,,I think we're stuck in the elevator."

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