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"He was shot a couple time, the most serious was to the head." Zavir continued.

She started crying. The phone falling on her lap. The Capo picked it up and put it back to her ear.

"Tay's  not doing good. We don't  think he's  going to make it."

She told him she was coming to the hospital. She cried all the way. Her eyes were red and swollen. Nose red as well. She was a whole mess. When they took her in to see Tay she almost fainted. He was there on the bed, pale as ever with tubes and lines everywhere. She started crying all over again going closer but afraid to touch him. Sydney had never seen him looking so fragile. The bodyguard just stood there helplessly not knowing what to do or say or how to help her. Tay had something breathing for him. It came out his mouth and went to a machine that controlled it. His chest rose and fell in time with the sound of the machine. She took his cold hands, trying to control the hiccuping sounds coming from her throat so she could talk to him.

"Tay?" It came out broken and watery.
"Tay?" She said again. " Tay, I know you're  there and can hear me. I know I never told you this but I loved you." Sobs and more crying. I want you to fight this, and come back to me and the baby."

She slide her other hand over her bulging belly. "You're  the strongest person I know." He didn't  move, blink. His hand didn't  squeeze back hers.The doctor walked  in just then.

"Mrs Marino." He shook her hand. "Hi, I'm  Doctor Willis. I came to give you an update of what's  going on with your husband." His eyes took on a sad look when he started explaining. "Your husband is in a coma. Seems the bullet passed through his frontal lobe towards the forehead."

She stood listening, twisting her hands, eyes red and puffy.

"It didn't pass through vital brain tissue or any vascular structures. So it may have caused mild damage."

She watched the Doctor's  Adam's Apple bob as he tried to formulate the next set of words.

"We have a problem. Remember I said he may have mild injury to the brain? So the outcome should be good, but because he is so deeply comatosed, I'm  not sure of his prognosis."

Her voice squeaked out when she said and tears started running down her cheek. "Are you saying he's  going to die?" She started sobbing loudly.

"I'm  not sure. We'll  have to wait and see."

The doctor held her quickly when she looked like she was about to collapse, and helped her to a chair. Her mother came rushing in as well as her best friend Cindy. The doctor not wanting to upset her any further in her condition, excused himself. She sobbed into her mother's  shoulder while she tried to console her.

Her mom stayed with her the whole day, while Sydney cried and asked God why he'd  allow something like this to happen.

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