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Ace didn't know what to do. This was a situation out of his control. No gun, no Mafia rule, could help him. He was a thug, and didn't, know one thing about comforting a woman. He held Sydney, even though she twisted in pain back and forth. Then he didn't like where she was and the position she was in, so he lifted her and carried her to the bed. He told her he'd be back and went and got a dry towel and put it under her hips. Sydney was arched up on her elbows, her pretty face twisted in pain.

"Sydney, the ambulance will be here just now."

"Ace I don't think I can wait." She said in a strained voice.

"What do you mean?" He was sitting next to her and brushed back the damp hair sticking to her forehead.

"I don't know, I think the baby's coming." She said between clenched teeth and then started screaming, legs bend and her on her arms, straining forward.

He jumped up, eyes wide. "What should I do?"

"I don't know!!" She screamed in agony while he stood there helplessly, trying not to look down there on her. "I feel something, I feel something coming."
She used her hand to feel. "Do you see it. Do you see the baby?"

His face had gone grey. "I can't look down there Sydney."

She gave a scream again and said between clenched teeth. You better look down there, because I cannot look myself! Ace for Heaven's sake look!!" She screamed.

He did and almost passed out. It wasn't something he wanted to see everyday.He knew how babies were born, but seeing it was a whole different story.


She give another agonising, ear piercing scream and the baby popped out. No part of it popped out.He ran to get another towel and supported the baby and with another push it was out! He held the baby awkwardly on the towel. It was still connected to Sydney.

"Ace is the baby okay, is he breathing? He should be crying."

The baby was limp. He didn't say anything, but Sydney started crying.

That got him into action. He rubbed the baby with the towel, drying and trying to stimulate it. The baby gasped and started crying, arm flailing.

"Sydney hold him." He handed the baby to her and she took him carefully, placing him on her chest, crying in relief. He was only eight and a half months. Sydney covered him and talked to him. He surprisingly started to root. and she tried to position him but the cord was preventing her.The emergency responders arrived, and cut the cord and helped her position the baby to breastfeed. They were happy to see the baby was doing well and she smiled at Ace.

Sydney spent three days in the hospital. The baby was premature but he was doing well and after close monitoring they discharged him.She cried in the hospital though because she couldn't go and see Tay and he wasn't there for the birth of their baby.

She cried in the hospital though because she couldn't go and see Tay and he wasn't there for the birth of their baby

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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