16 | Tired

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I sit at my seat of all my mistakes.
I stare at them and they stare back, unmoving.

I'm tired of my kind of life.
And the pain in my chest.

I'm tired of the invalidation you give me
And the embarrassment.

I try my best to be the best,
But simply I'm not the best.

And if I'm such a burden to you, why then did you ask of me?

Your stupid words make me feel cringe.
Your hurtful tone cuts through my soul.
Your fiery eyes sends me away.

I don't know what I ever did
But it's obvious that I seem
to you, a burden

So sorry if you feel that way.

The truth is
I'm tired. And when I get the strength, I'll run from you

As fast as I can.
I won't look back.
I won't come back.

  In My Head | ✓Where stories live. Discover now