Chapter 1

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The leader of the investigation of the most wanted criminal in Yokohama, Nakahara Chuuya. Playing cat and mouse to catch the phantom thief. Both of them raced down the broken-down parts of the city as if a timer was on. Going as fast as they can either to run away or catch the other. The moon's light brightened just enough for Chuuya to follow his every move. Through the corners, up hills, around the block. His breath falls off track the father they go. Going faster than the wind itself even if some obstacles came in the way like newspapers flying in their faces, trash cans being knocked over, Or even almost getting squashed by a falling branch.

"Get back here you bastard!" The ginger hollers at the person running in front of him. He pushes his legs to go faster to not lose sight of what he could finally accomplish. Beating the phantom thief. The light slowly faded away when they ran into an enclosed alleyway. Nothing there but him and his target.
"Give it up, you're trapped, there's no where you can run or hide."
He slowly pulls out a gun from behind his back pocket. Hiding it behind his back. He takes steps forward toward the unknown person in front of him.

On their right hand, a mysterious blue glow appears as it wraps around all of their body. The phantom thief turns around slowly each step more hesitant than the last. They take a deep breath and jolt straight for the short ginger in front of them. "Hey! What the-"

Before any real reaction could come out of the officer. They leap and bounce off wall to wall reaching the rooftop.
"God damnit!" He quickly pulls out his gun and shoots at the person just barely hitting his leg.
A yelp is all that could be heard before the beeping and zooms of cars passing cover all of the noise. He sighs in defeat after another loss time and time again. This stupid criminal always wins. He takes out his phone as he walks out.

"This is gonna be a bitch" He scrolls down to a contact of "Mori" hesitantly calling him.
"Hello?" a man answers from beyond the device.
'Hello..this is Nakahara Chuuya. I'm reporting that the Phantom thief got away... Once again." All that could be heard from the other line is a small sigh followed by "alright, well report to work tomorrow and we will find another course of action."

"Yes sir" Then.. the phone goes silent. Chuuya drags himself from the dark cold and empty alleyway to a bench near a liquor store. He sits down and pulls out a cigarette, he stares at it momentarily. He never smokes unless only when stressed...He lights it. Inhaling the intoxicating smoke down his dry and closed-up lungs.

Looking at the world outside of the big parts of Yokohama. "Goddamn idiot..." the ginger whispers under his breath. He looks up at the sky. The most stars he's seen since...the realization hits him. He misses the warmth of his idiotic partner curled up next to him. Being able to see such gorgeous stars that aren't covered up by city lights.
Packing up for the day, an exhausted Chuuya could be found at the Sheep's detective agency. He worked till dusk to dawn. Working for both him and his lazy partner.

"Where's my favorite chu-chuu~"

Speaking of the devil. A brown-haired man with a tan coat sings happily as he skips inside the little agency. Chuuya rolls his eyes and looks at the man who had just arrived

"what are you doing here shitty-dazai?"

He gasps and puts a hand over his chest "How dare you! Can I not come into work and also see my beautiful boyfriend?"

The ginger glares piercing thru the taller male."what do you want"

He laughs and nods "Alright alright..well you see...I remembered it's my wonderful chibis birthday so~~ I got you a present" He exclaims and holds out a small box covered in wrapping paper

"Don't want it" Chuuya says with no hesitation.

"Huh!? Why!?" he pouts at the rejection "Ya Know it's rude to decline gifts!!"

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