1. Hair That Twists and Curls

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A/N: Hello! :D This was an idea I had for a couple months and decided to write it (finally) for Miyano Week 2023!! It's my first time participating in an event for SSMY, so I've been excited lol
This is a Mermaid AU with a lot of fantasy involved. I hope you enjoy it, the chapters will be posted everyday leading up to the final day. :))

*This story is told in first person, Miyano's Pov!

[DISCLAIMER] I do not own Sasaki and Miyano!

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1. Hair That Twists and Curls

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My hair tangled easily against anything I swam past. It was long and curly and just spilled around me like ink. If it was up to me I would have cut it short a long time ago, but we had to keep with tradition.

At least until I was able to leave home. Either by coming of age, which for mermaids that was a lot older than most species, or finding my Soulmate.

Yeah, that wasn't possible. When I was younger I liked to daydream about meeting my fated one—the one that was suppose to be the other half of my soul, the one meant to complete me in a way that only true love by a goddess could form.

The Goddess of Love and Magic was said to bind fated pairs so that they would always be together no matter what lifetime. Over and over they're reincarnated to love one another.

But some people weren't blessed by the goddess. Some people never found their Soulmate. As I got older, that blind kind of love started to fade. If I had a Soulmate, I was sure they weren't merfolk. That meant they could be any species on Earth—a human, a fae, an elf, a shifter, or some other kind of fantastical creature....

And here I was, stuck. Stuck to swim in just one part of the great ocean. Forced to hold on to a shred of hope that I would leave my cage one day and find them.

Whoever they are, I wonder if they think about me as much as I do them?

࿐ ࿔*:・゚ؘ ༄

Yuki giggled as she brushed through my hair. "Hold still, the tangle is almost out."

I groaned and tried to hold on as both her fingers and the comb worked on getting the last big tangle out. We sat at her vanity in her moon pool so the gravity was more like the surface. It helped with straightening out our wild hair. I stared at my frowning face in the mirror, and my ear twitched—an almost translucent blue fin that poked out from my thick hair.

Fujimi Yuki's large blue eyes sparkled like a constellation as they narrowed when she focused on the task. It was a weekly task of ours, honestly. Behind us, in the reflection from the mirror, stood Niibashi Juuya. He was more brightly colored than me and Yuki. His hair wasn't curly like ours, but it was long, wavy, and brightly pink like the coral around our home. His eyes were a cool mix of purple and pink, and since he liked to style his hair differently, it turned a lot of heads when he swam by the populace.

Currently, his feminine face was pouting. "This wouldn't happen so often if you would just learn to braid it like mine." He pointed at his head where most of his longer strands were pulled back in a braid.

"You know I'm bad at those! And I don't want to bother you guys all the time with it..."

Juuya sighed, slapping the top of my head lightly. "You're no bother to us, idiot."

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