6. I Blush When I Think About My Love For Him

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A/N: Day 6: Blush

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6. I Blush When I Think About My Love For Him

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Two weeks flew by in an instant it felt like. I had integrated myself in Shuumei's world so much that it felt like second nature to me. He showed me so much of his world, and I regularly helped him with his work as a fisherman.

"Whoa!" He laughed as I corralled the fish into his net. He was able to pull it up and over the side of the boat. "You weren't kidding about getting even more than yesterday! Guess we'll be getting that bonus pay."

He was grinning, so happy, and I wanted to be closer to him. I swam to the side of the boat and gripped the edge to lift myself up. He met me halfway, and our lips met in a flurry of sparks and tingles. They were soft, and we kissed a few more times until my arms shook from holding myself up for so long.

We broke apart, and he stared at me so tenderly that I blushed and ducked underwater. I could hear his laughter from above, and I curled my fingers against my mouth where my lips still tingled.

Once we were back at shore and sold the fish, we went to my favorite place other than Shuumei's cabin, the library. I had become a regular here, even coming here sometimes without him.

I tried reading other stories, but those couples just didn't hold my attention the way BL did—and I had been reading a lot of that. I was currently reading about an ice skater and his coach getting together when I heard a strange whistling sound.

Confused, I looked around and saw that Shuumei had also heard it. We stared at each other, and then a loud sound startled us. We looked at the bookcase beside us. It was against a wall, but it sounded like someone or something was pushing it.

The loud scraping sound abruptly stopped, and we stood up. I wanted to get closer, but Shuumei pushed me behind him as the books flew off the shelf. The tall book shelf split in the middle and opened up like double doors.

"Oh no, Tasu! It made a mess!" I heard a familiar bright voice, and my heart dared to hope it was her.

A new voice chuckled, sounding fond. "I'm sorry, Yuki. I'll have it cleaned up, don't worry."

The two emerged, the man that Hanzawa told us was a wizard, and then my sister—Yuki. It was strange to see her in human form like myself, but she got to wear a cute dress like how she always talked about when we were younger. The pink ribbons and frills suited her, and her blue eyes seemed brighter than usual.

"Yuki..." I spoke, moving from behind Shuumei.

She gasped and looked at me as everything stopped. "Yoshi...?" Her eyes watered, and then she was rushing to me and I caught her in my arms. "You're really okay! Oh, thank the gods, I've been so worried!" Her tears wet my shoulder as she clung to me, and I held her tightly.

"I'm okay, I'm so glad you are, and you found someone to help you." I murmured into her dark hair.

It was like one missing piece of my heart was found, and I could breathe a little easier. She pulled back to look at me, smiling.

"You're still cute, even as a human!"

I snorted and pinched her side. "Hey, you're the cute one here."

She laughed, and her crying stopped as she sniffled. Then, her eyes widened in alarm. "Juuya! Do you know where he is? Is he okay? I haven't been able to track him, so he must be out of the water!"

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