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I COULD not sleep peacefully. There was some itch that I could not scratch— something like a feather of premonition slowly and excruciatingly rubbing against my skin.    

Last night, I was widely awake. I could not sleep even though Garrett told me to get some rest multiple times but I could not. He waited for me to get asleep but despite all my attempts to get into the rhythm of slumber, I could not make it. What I did was, I pretended to be asleep to make Garrett stop watching me and get rest.

When he did, all incoherent thoughts ran in my head like plagues ready to ruin my mind. My heart was hammering my chest so loudly. Was it because I was nearing my due date? Was it because of the pain laboring entailed? But I was so excited to meet my angel. Whatever bad feelings that perched on my chest didn't make sense at all.

I stared at the text message on my phone's screen. I had received the same text message I received months ago. I did not know where they came from. The sender did not let me know who he was. I was contemplating replying to the text message but I thought it was unnecessary. Was this the one making me uneasy? Why? I did not know. I just decided to not make a fuss about it and tried to will away the plague that was slowly eating my sanity.

From: Unknow Number

Lilith, I know I shouldn't be asking you a favor but we need to talk.

Who the fuck was this? But instead of sending a reply, I blocked the phone number and deleted the message, and stuffed my phone in my pocket.

I took a special final exam. It was an advanced exam since I was nearing my due date. Thinking about welcoming my baby into this world sent a sense of anticipation and excitement that seeped through my bones. I could tell that Garrett felt the same since his thoughtfulness and care for me and for my baby heightened to a new level. It was silly and uncalled for but it was just making me giddy to see him go such lengths for me and his child.

As I exited the parking area, I saw a woman ambling toward me. She looked familiar. I thought I'd seen her before.

When she was near, her features became more noticeable. Realization settled on me when her delicate features came into view. She was Gracielle de Castro. She was one of the brave admirers of Garrett. She was one of the dean's listers and she had confessed her feelings for the father of my child.

She stopped in front of me. The head held high, a judgemental eyes, and a stance I was well aware of.

"So cheap," she uttered, her voice contradicting her soft features.

I arched my brow at her. I regretted thinking that she was so much like of my sister. She was not. She was not like Lia. She was one of the bitches who hid in a soft facade but behind that were fangs ready to devour anything that came in their way.

"What did you say?" If she thought that I cowered from some bitchy attitude, she had one coming. I was Lilith Gomez and I cower from no one.

"A cheap. A bitch. A trying-hard copycat of her sister," she smirked, probably thinking that she hit the nail on the head, "You think Garrett will choose you if it weren't we for the baby?"

I clenched my jaw. My chest caved in but I did not show her that she somewhat hurt me on her last slash.

I smirked, "My, my. Are you jealous I bagged the man you are lusting after for some time now?" I walked closer to her and looked her in the eyes, "That after awkwardly confessing your feelings for him, he just put you on a sideline? Hmm, what is the taste of rejection?"

I saw her lips tremble but she was a bitch for a reason. She looked at me with a menacing look, "He did not reject me!"

I scoffed, "Keep telling that to yourself,"

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