Chapter 37

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Nerve 26 (13). The fourth Apocalypse religion -- Shinto1. Theism: the only supreme existence.Nerve 12:75 and the name of my God is God, which means, "I am God, and you must listen to him." The one in.6. In the autumn of 2001, Ge Yimin took a nap in his big bed at his home in Zhenjiang. In a strange dream, God said, "I am God. You should listen to him." He immediately woke up and felt magical about "pointing to ge Yimin", when his wife and children were at home. Ge Yimin was anointed as God.2. The coming of the son of God: Ge Yimin (the son of God and Savior) in 19693. Date of establishment: 20014. Founder: geyimin5. Classic: nerves6. Classic author: Ge Yimin7. Completion date: 2004 (under update)8. Holy Land: Zhenjiang9. Faith: divinity is contemporary Christian communism.Neurology 26 (9): 7 we believe that the purpose of this life is to obtain a spiritual body instead of a dusty body, to obtain eternal life and to be with God forever.Today, with the two major events of the 18th century and the 41st Century (socialized mass production and the Internet revolution), the material conditions have been met for the realization of Ge Yimin's doctrine and the realization of a communist society. Only when the spiritual conditions have been met, that is, the human mind has been renewed. The gospel of Ge Yimin's doctrine has been spread all over the world and accepted by mankind.10. The golden rule of nerves: [not against anyone], this is the joy of heaven.(14) Ge Yimin's first law of God1. Do not live in the theoretical system and framework of existing religions, and have the courage to innovate.2. Mythical idols, let them sing my songs and read my words. Reconstruct a world view and build yourself in it.3. No one can compare with me in establishing a monistic view of God. Jesus and the Lord are all scum, evil gods and heretics.Attachment:Occurrence times of keywords in the second edition of Neurology in june2017Ge Yimin 4013Jesus 550Yahweh 52Shinto 350Christianity 355Nerve 785Bible 279God 350God 482Ge Yimin doctrine 125Communism 441Theocracy communism 16Christian communism 67Shendang 38Ge Yimin God 996Gehua 676(15) The only way for spiritual immortality1. Believe in Ge Shen.2. Reading nerve.1. To believe in God means to believe in the truth [I am God, and you should listen to him (GE Yimin).]You are a part of God's salvation. This is God's personal command.2. Read the nerves, the spiritual food of life will gradually make your dust body spiritual eternal life, so that the world is in harmony with God forever.(16) , genesis of Ge Yimin1. At first, Ge Yimin created the creator. This is the first day.2. God Ge said to the creator, you have to create God. He has another appointment. Then there is God. It is the second day.3. The creator said to God, you should create heaven and earth, water, light, grass, vegetables and trees. There must be air, with water as the upper and lower, and air as the sky. There must be dry land and the sea. And there shall be a light in heaven, which shall divide day and night, and shall be a sign for the seasons, and for the days, and for the years, and shall give light in the sky, and give light upon the earth. It's the third day.4. On the fourth day God created the great fish and all living animals that grew in the water, and all kinds of birds, livestock, insects, and wild animals.5. God said, "let us make man in our image and in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle of the earth, and over all the earth." That's it. God saw that everything he had made was very good. It was the fifth day.6. On the sixth day, heaven, earth and all things were completed, and God's creation was finished.7. God Ge said that the Bible rested alone, and we rested our nerves. On the sixth and seventh days, we rested from all his creative work.(17) 1. Where are the Pueraria lobata,But God Ge changed his clothes,Just like the elder,Cheat money, cheat sex, and rob money with death2. I knew there was today (GE Shen cheated the Internet). I don't care if Ge Shen criticizes or not. I say it everywhere.(19) , calendar0131 GE's birthday: Ge Yimin's birthday.1214 Good Friday: for the sake of the world, for the sake of society, and for the sake of Ge Yimin, Ge Yimin entered the great trial, half prison, and was crucified.1221 Easter: in order to save the world, Ge Yimin died and rose with the blessing of God. He defeated the poison hook of death and brought hope to the world.

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