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"Y/n!" The older women pounded on the door which made the girl jump up from her position on the bed. She mumbled incoherently and wiped away the drool on her cheek with disgust

"Didn't you hear your alarm going off?! You're going to be late!" Her mother yelled out from behind the locked door before muttering to herself as she traveled back down the stairs and back into the kitchen.

"yeah, I'll be down." y/n mumbled to herself as she groggily rubbed her face and gave a very long and dramatic stretch which resulted in her groaning with relief as she happily sighed

"That has got to be one of the best naps I've had in my life." y/n smiled to herself, content with the sleep. Her eyes shot open as she sat up and immediately looked at her hand to see there was no longer any bite mark left on her skin. She scratched her head for a moment and shrugged, figuring it was just some silly and realistic dream.

Y/n took off her shirt to get ready but paused for a moment as she stared in the mirror next to her closet. Y/n yelped in surprise as she leaned closer to the mirror.

"Oh my gosh!" y/n yelled out, but quickly clasped her hand over her mouth. She examined her body and lightly brushed her fingers over the slight abs that seemed to form overnight. They weren't profound but they were certainly there. She did a light turn and noticed all the fats on her body, slimmed down and toned. Y/n leaned close to the mirror again and stared at her face.

The pimple that had been harassing her cheek for a couple of days, was gone. Her face looked clear of anything, she brought her hand up to her face and lightly touched the skin to feel its smooth surface.

"I'm so... Hot!" y/n yelled once again and couldn't help but admire her appearance for a while. She rushed to her closet and pulled out her uniform and changed into it where she gawked at her appearance. She checked herself out for a little while longer before grabbing a pair of socks from her drawer and making her way downstairs.

"Y/n! Thank goodness you're awake! I made you an extra breakfast since you didn't eat anything last night." her mother smiled at the girl who sat down without saying a word, still shocked at her suddenly changed body.

"Eat as much as you'd like!" her mother yelled as she placed the unnecessary amount of food in front of her. Y/n glanced down at the plates and just now realized how hungry she was. Y/n grabbed her fork, flinching slightly at the sudden static that zapped her when she touched the metal, and immediately began eating.

Her mother watched her daughter eat as if she competed, shoving foods in her mouth left and right with no break to even breathe. Her daughter pulled away after a while and sighed when seeing the empty plates in front of her

"That was great." y/n smiled and stood up, ignoring her mother's shocked expression. She gave her mother a slight peck on the cheek and began to put her shoes on. Her mother perked up after recovering from her shock.

"Sweetie, don't forget your jacket!" Her mother yelled as her daughter gave a slight wave and obeyed as he took the jacket hanging from the coat hanger. Her mother frowned in thought as she stared at the empty plates.


Y/n walked through the hallways, tugging on her shirt as she began to work up a sweat already. She groaned as took her jacket off and hung it on her arm.

"Why am I so sweaty?"

Y/n jumped and looked up for a moment

"Why on earth are my thoughts so loud?!"

Y/n scratched her head, trying to figure out why exactly this was happening. Y/n was so preoccupied, she smacked headfirst into someone.

"I'm sorry." y/n spoke up and started at the victim to see none other than Light Yagami. He turned around and smiled at the girl

"Oh, hey Princess Leia." Light Yagami lightly teased the girl before his face formed into a confused one

"Woah, why are you so sweaty?" Light asked the girl who shrugged, trying to remain nonchalant about the situation

"It's my time of the month." y/n spoke before instantly regretting it

"I don't know why I just told you that..." She cringed at herself and immediately began walking away from the conversation. She heard footsteps behind her approaching and turned to see Yagami keeping up close behind the girl

"It's alright! It happens to every girl. Nothing to be ashamed of." Light tried to reassure the girl who rose her eyebrow at him. Then she couldn't help but give a slight smile and nod.

"I was wondering, Y/n. If you'd like to join my friends and me for lunch?" Light asked the girl who looked over in shock

"Me?! Is he crazy? Maybe this is a prank or something..."

Y/n squinted at the boy who seemed to catch on to her suspicions and shook his head lightly

"No, I swear it's nothing like that... I just wanna get to know you." Light spoke, looking to the side, avoiding eye contact with the girl. Y/n felt her face heat up slightly and took a slight step back

"Well, I appreciate the offer. But, I prefer eating alone, if you don't mind." Y/n refused his offer, Light seemed a bit shocked at this and watched as the girl walked away with quick haste. As much as she wanted to eat lunch with Light, she didn't feel comfortable eating with other boys, she could only handle being in the presence of one for so long.

And secondly, she couldn't release her hold from the strap of her bag... It wouldn't budge. Y/n struggled to herself slightly, trying to get her left hand off of the bag

"What is up with this thing!" y/n muttered in frustration as she entered the restroom. She locked the door behind her and sighed. She pulled the strap off her right shoulder and unclenched her hands to see the strap of her back completely stuck to the palm of her hand. Y/n frowned at this and lightly shook her hand up and down

"What?!" y/n yelled in surprise and she shook her hand again, with more force this time. Eventually, she gave up trying to carefully peel it off, and placed her foot on her bag, pulling her hand back away from the strap as hard as she could. She fell back and smacked her head against the door of the restroom and groaned in pain. Looking down, she noticed the strap remained on her hand, without the bag this time. Y/n quickly looked to see her bag on the ground, strapless. She gave a slight cry at her ruined school bag and leaned down to pick it up by the small handle at the top, thankful that the handle came with it.

As she walked out, she noticed the strap on the floor and glanced at her hand, feeling her face light up slightly.

"Oh, thank goodness," she whispered and started down the hall to her class.


"Did you invite her to lunch?" A guy asked Light with his face lit up with enthusiasm. Light rolled his eyes and sat back in his seat messing around with his hair

"Yes. I did. She said no. I don't know why you didn't ask her yourself. You set me up for failure." Light grumbled to the boy who felt his face heat up

"I'm just a little shy. Plus I know you attracted all the girls so I figured it would be easy to lure her in." The boy whispered to Light who just gave him a slight look of disgust.

"Alright, creep. Just go back to your seat already, Y/n's coming." Light said as the boy stood up from the girl's seat and went back to his own. Light watched as the girl sat down in her seat and rested her head in her hands letting out a slight groan. Light just simply decided to ignore the girl, slightly embarrassed to talk to her again after the taunting he received from Ryuk.


A/n: Another crappy chapter but it's fine... Anyway, I'm just trying to build up to all the important stuff later.... Even though I would love to just jump right into it...

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