Part Two

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"The new heir for Star-Cat will be..."
"Goldiela!" Meowed their father.

Chapter 2

Estrella scoffed. "Goldiela?"
"Yes, Star, we choose Goldiela because she is both older and responsible."
"She's only older by a MINUTE," Estrella whined.
"Yeah, so I'm still older so HA!" Goldiela snarled.
Estrella rolled her eyes and stormed off to her room.
"Goldiela is NOT responsible enough for the crown. She'll fuck up the whole Kingdom." Estrella meowed to herself.
"I should be the queen."

Estrella looked into her mirror, imagining putting a crown on her head. A crown she'd look stunning in, of course.
The princess sighed. "I'll show them who's a better ruler, once they see..."
Estrella couldn't help but mock a sinister laugh.

Estrella trotted to her walk-in closet and put on her princess tiara, then, she trotted out of her room and to the throne room.

Goldiela was having a conversation with their parents about being queen.
"Goldiela, being queen is a huge responsibility."
"I know, father."
"You'll have to swear on your life that you will protect Star-Cat at all costs." Meowed their mother.
"I will!"
"Okay then, your coronation will be in two weeks. Until then, you will have your training and help us make decisions for Star-Cat."
"Auric, dear, don't you think that's a little too much for her in only two weeks?"
"No, I don't, Moonlia. Us rulers are pressured into doing things in a day, she should be thankful that she doesn't have to do that yet." Auric meowed.
"Okay.. Goldiela, dear, please be careful, if you need anything I'm here okay?"
Goldiela hung her head. "Yes, mother."

Estrella cocked hers. "What would she need your help for?"
"Excuse me, Estrella Zara?" Moonia hissed.
"Don't you dare come at me with THAT attitude!"
"What attitude? All I asked was 'What would she need your help for?' It wasn't meant to have attitude."
"You got a lot of nerve meowing back."
"I say she should spend an hour in her room." Auric decided.

Estrella rolled her eyes and walked back to her room.
"Parents are the literal worst. I know for a fact that Goldiela will fuck up Star-Cat. I need to see what she's planning." Estrella meowed.

The cat princess trotted out of her room, running into a cute little kitten.
"Pardon me! Oh! Princess!" The kitten meowed, giving her best curtsy.
"Um. Hi." Estrella meowed.
"What are you doing running around in the palace?" The kitten asked.
"I'm trying to go see what Goldiela is up to." Estrella told her.
"Oh, in that case, would you like me to escort you to her chamber?"
"Uh... Sure."
"Alright, miss. I'm Twilight by the way."
"Estrella, as you may already know."
Twilight grinned. "Of course, I do, everyone in the kingdom knows who you are!"
"Oh well, that's interesting." Estrella meowed.
"Well, you are the princess of Star-Cat."
Estrella nodded.
"Oh, by the way, your tiara is beautiful, oh. And we're at Goldiela's door." Twilight meowed.
"No problem! It was really nice talking to you."
Estrella curtsied. "Farewell, Twilight, and to you a good day."

Twilight laughed. "Good day to you too, Princess."

Estrella knocked on Goldiela's door, the door was painted gold, decorated with peridots and emeralds. Overrated, I know.
The door also said Goldiela on it in sparkly letters.
Goldiela answered her door. "What do you want? I'm busy practicing Shiny."
"Oh your silly clarinet?" Estrella asked.
"Shiny is not silly. She is offended now."
"Wow, an INSTRUMENT is offended. Instruments don't have feelings."
"THEY DO TOO!" Goldiela roared.
"Last time I checked they don't."

Goldiela slammed her door, then walked to her vanity.
"Ugh. I can't wait to be queen so I can get rid of her!"
Estrella gasped silently.
"Once I'm queen... I'll.. throw a ball!"
Estrella sighed.
"I'll make everyone suffer, and everything will fall, only I'll be in charge, there's nothing anyone can do because I'll be the best queen there will ever be!! Then, I'll change the kingdom to a QUEENDOM, and name it Crazyland!" Goldiela meowed.
Estrella gasped silently again, then ran to her room.

"I have to save Star-Cat from my sister's control!" Estrella meowed as soon as she closed her door.
The princess paced back and forth around her room. "How will I save Star-Cat... If I save the kingdom my parents will be really proud of me!"

Estrella smiled.

She knew how she was going to protect Star-Cat...
And it was all because of her dream..

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