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The first person to wake up was Liu Mingyan, she looked around and saw ''her husband'' sleeping, she approached him.

LM- '' A-Luo'' she calls and he starts waking up.

LB-''What is it?'' he asked.

LM-''Do you know where we are?'' she asked looking around seeing her brother there.''Brother'' she says.

LQ-''Who called me?''he asked waking up.''Sister'' he says surprised.

LM-''Do you know where we are?''


LB-''Ok'' he says as he gets up.''Everyone wake up right now!'' he yells and everyone wakes up.

SH-''A-Luo?'' she asked.

SQ-''Where are we?'' he asked getting upwith body aches.

MJ-''I don't know'' he says.

???-''But I do'' says a female voice.''Hello everyone my name is Yan Mei Li.''she said smilling.

                                                                                 ^picture of YML^

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                                                                                 ^picture of YML^

SH-''Beautiful''he says.

YML-''Thank you'' she said smilling.

MJ-''What do we do here miss Mei li?''

YML-''Sit down for me to explain.'' she says smilling and looking at all the people.''Well looks like two people are missing.''she said and snaps her fingers and Shen Jiu and a baby appeared.

Luo Binghe blused at the outfit Shen Jiu was wearing.

                                                                            ^what he is wearing^

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                                                                            ^what he is wearing^

SJ-'' Yan Mei Li?'' he asked confused.

YML-''Well i'm going now'' she says and snaps her fingers making soafas appear.      

                                                                                            ^the sofa^

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                                                                                            ^the sofa^

SQ-''Sofas are strange''he says

YML-''I'll sit you down.''she says and snaps her fingers making erveryone sit down: Mobei-Jun and Shang Qinghua were sitting togehter awell as Luo Binghe and Shen Jiu. Shen Jiu was almost asleep beacuse he was tired.''Well now that you're already seated I will explain.'' she says.

MJ-''We are waiting.'' he says.

SQ-''Respect her'' he says.

YML-''You are here to react to scrects.'' she says making Shen Jiu paler and almost dropping the baby.

LB-'He turned pale all of sudden'he thinks confused.'It even seems that he has secrets that he doesn't want anyone to know. he thinks.

YML-''I'll get some things and let you all calm down.'' she says and dissapers, Shen Jiu didn't even want to think anymore,he was just worried about his little girl.

SJ-''I'm tired'' he says quitley without even noticing he lays his head on Luo Binghe's shoulder and falls asleep.

This is the end of chapter1 i maybe will upload the second one next week and go cheack out the original author and her works.   

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