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After everyone eat Yan Mei Li came back with Shen Jiu who was wearing another beautiful outfit that suited him very well, well in Luo Binghe's it did.

After everyone eat Yan Mei Li came back with Shen Jiu who was wearing another beautiful outfit that suited him very well, well in Luo Binghe's it did

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                                               (Shen jiu's outfit that he is wearing.^^^^)

NYY-''Wow, you look beautiful in those closthes Shizun.''she says surprised.

SJ-''Thank you Ning Ying Ying.'' he says while hiding his face with his fan.

LB-''Tch.''he tched with slight jealousy.

YML-''Let's start with the video for today.'' she says seriously but with a smile on her face. 'Let's make Luo Binghe jealous today.'she thinks with a smirk on her face beacuse of the fun.

Shen Jiu appeared in a brothel, beside him were two unknown woman who appeared very friendly.

???-''Are you sure about this A-Jiu?'' asked the lady that appeared to be the eldest.

SJ-''Yes i'm sure Cangse.'' he says to her.

CS-''Right then let's go A-Zhen.'' she says to the woman with them.

ZZ-''Okay, I have the robes here.'' she says while starting to take the robes from a bag  she was holding.

SJ-''Thank you.'' he says while taking the robes from her and goes behind a bamboo screen.''How do I look?'' he asked stepping out from behind the screen.

ZZ-''Beautiful and good luck with the mission.'' she says.

SJ-''Thank you.'' he says while covering his face with a veil.

LB-''Beautiful''he whispered to himself, but the two demons heared him.

Upon entering the VIP part of the brothel, he saw The Sun Demon and a few others drinking together.

SJ-''God help me.'' he says and goes up on the stage making everyone look at him, a slow song starts and he starts dancing sensually, his steps were elegant and he was slowly getting closer to The Sun Demon.

???-''Hey that's not fair, I also want special treatment.'' one of the no name demons says and some of the woman start dancing aswell.

NYY-''You dance really well Shizun.'' she says.

QY-'' I agree with you.'' he says.

Shen Jiu sat on the demon's lap and brought his mouth close to his, The Sun Demon squeezed his waist,he kept moving closer until they were kissing.

SJ-''Let's get out of here.'' Shen Jiu says while smiling cutely, they then left to The Sun Demon's palace.

SH-''Ha, looks like we know who the freak's father is.'' she says mockingly.

SJ-''Did you just call my daughter a freak?'' he asked furious.

SH-''I did yes.''she says.

MJ-''Sha Hualing stop.'' he says.

SQ-''How dare you call Shen Ying a freak?The only freak I see here is you.'' he says angry almost strangling her if it wasn't for Mobei-Jun holding him back.

SJ-''And he's not my daughter's father.'' he tells them.''I just needed him to take me to his place.

Upon reaching Tai-Yang Palace they entered and The Sun Demon took him to his bedroom.

SJ-''Let's drink something?I'm quit thirsty.'' he whispered in a cute voice.

TSD-''Servant bring some wine for us.'' he ordered and some servants bring a table and wine leaving them alone, Shen Jiu put's something in The Sun Demon's drink without him noticing.''Let's toast to our night.'' he says rising a glass.

MJ-''Intresting a sleeping drug for demon's smart.'' he says.

LB-''How did you get that?'' he asked.

SJ-''It doesn't matter.''

With The Sun Demon asleep Shen Jiu left the room to look for the map.He quickly found it and hid it in his hanfu, he the went back inside the room and sat down waiting for the demon to wake up.

TSD-''What happend?''he asked confused.

SJ-''I don't know, I suddently felt tired after drinking the wine and fell asleep the same time as you did.''he says.

TSD-''I'll look further into this.'' he says seriously. ''You can go now I have lost intrest.It must be cold outside,take this and leave.'' he says giving Shen Jiu a blanket.

SJ-''Thank you and until we see each other again.'' he says and leaves.

The screen turns black and everyone was silent watching how Shen Jiu manipulated the demon with ease.

YQ-''Good job.'' he says.

YML-''Well come with me i'll take you to the room you can use to rest in.'' she says taking them to thier respective rooms.''Luo Binghe and ShenJiu your rooms are here good night and sleep well.''she says disappearing.

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