Chapter 32

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"Stop! Get low and keep quiet, there are enemies ahead of us." Tz'eal warned. He and Drake had been fleeing the incoming Covenant forces for what felt like a lifetime through the dense woods leading them to the East. The trees and foliage had kept them concealed and made their tracks difficult to follow but there was only so much the pair could do to avoid getting into a fight.

As they continued to flee several Phantoms had passed overhead. It seemed as though their enemy were smarter than first thought. Moving to try and cut the pair off as they attempted to escape. But Phantoms weren't the most subtle of craft. Drake and Tz'eal adjusted their path to avoid them as much as they could. However they only had so much room to move. Eventually they were going to get cut off and enveloped.

Tz'eal hunched over and kept glancing at his motion tracker. Several red dots flashed around them. The tell tale squeaks and hisses of Unggoy followed by the occasional bark of a fellow Sangheili. A typical squad of infantry. This should be an easy fight.

Tz'eal tapped Drake on the shoulder to get his attention. Once Drake turned, Tz'eal tapped himself on the chest and raised a single digit, pointing in the direction of their enemy. Drake tilted his head for a few moments, taking the time to try and figure out the message before slowly nodding. He reached down into one of his pouches and drew a fragmentation grenade and showed it to Tz'eal who quietly clicked his mandible and prepared for the engagement.

"We know you are here Heretic. Come out and we will end you swiftly!" The Sangheili called out. Drake slowly shook his head before tossing the grenade in the direction the voice came from.

"What the? Oh Gods!" The Sangheili called out before there was a loud explosion. There was a chance he died instantly from the Blast but Tz'eal and Drake took no chances. Standing up they both aimed their weapons in the direction of the blast, and with a single burst of fire, took down the Elite. The grunts had all died from the grenade, the Elite survived only thanks to his energy shields which had been overloaded from the explosion.

"Alright, that was easy. Let's keep moving. We let them bog us down for too long and they'll run us over." Drake said before

"Agreed but we will need to find some place to rest. We can not keep running forever." Tz'eal said while nodding his head.

"I know. Hopefully once we get to the cliffs we'll have our evac and we can go get some rest back on the Glasgow." Drake replied trying his best to sound hopeful but both he and Tz'eal knew that getting out alive was going to be the difficult part.

"Alright let's keep going. The less time spent here the better." Drake added before getting to his feet and continuing his march to the East. Tz'eal got up to follow before glancing to the skies, watching as even more Phantoms and Banshees flew over their heads.

"Agreed." He added as he began moving.

Not many words were shared on their path, both knew that until they were either at their exfil point or on a pelican on their way back to the Glasgow that any sound could give their position away and get them killed. They carved their path through the dense foliage and trees before the sound of flowing water drew their attention. Drake took the lead, heading to the sound where they came across a large river. It looked shallow enough to cross but it would be a very large swath of open area with no cover.

"Alright we're going to have to do this like we did when we first ran. You stay here and cover me as I cross, then when I'm over I'll do the same for you. We go as quickly as we can but keep safe. This is going to make a lot of noise and anything nearby will be sure to come take a look." Drake explained while slowly making his way to the bank of the river.

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