Chapter 6

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"And that's it. The rest of it is in the report." Drake said with a sigh as he continued to look out of the window. The light flakes of snow had begun to settle, a light dusting of white beginning to grow in intensity as he refused to turn around.

"So you allied yourself with an enemy and, with it watching, you killed one of our own. Is that about right?" Fang said with a shake of his head. Drake slowly turned to the agent.

"I wouldn't use those words but yeah." Drake admitted quietly.

"You did what you needed to do to survive a hostile environment. What all Marines and ODST are trained to do. You did well to get out of there alive." Shapiro said gently with a nod. Drake glanced over to his CO and managed a small smile. It looked like Shapiro didn't care what had happened on Reach.

"That doesn't change the fact of the matter. You allied yourself with an Elite. And, with it, killed a member of the UNSC before letting it live. With your name too!" Fang argued, the distortion in his helmet not preventing the sound of his anger getting through.

"I did what I needed to survive. What would you expect me to do? Roll over and die?" Drake argued as he began to raise his voice.

"Drake please calm down. We're simply trying to get to the bottom of this and figure out what we're going to do with the message." Shaprio said calmly glancing between the two before him.

"I would have expected you to do the right thing. Eliminate the threat and do whatever you can to aid your fellow soldiers." Fang shouted back ignoring what Shapiro had said.

"I did what I could for the boy! The Elite helped me fight the Brute and kept us both alive. When I was dying from my wounds he helped me. He had every opportunity to kill me but he didn't. And you expect me to dishonour him by shooting him in the back?!" Drake shouted back without looking over to Shapiro.

"You're lucky right now. If ONI had found out about this any earlier you would either be locked up or dead. On the charge of Treason!" Fang shouted back

"Treason? I would have thought getting an Elite to turn to us and defect would be an intelligence gold mine for you. I would have thought you'd be happy about this." Drake argued back, his face flushing red and his anger continued to build. Shapiro shuffled in his seat, getting as upright as he could before clearing his throat wanting to get the attention of the two men before him without shouting.

"Intel aside, you have committed treason and confessed to the charge! I should take you in for a quick trial and summary execution now." Fang continued to argue.

"Gentlemen please, I do not want to pull rank here. Let's keep this civil." Shapiro said calmly as he glanced between the two men arguing. Drake clenched his fist getting ready to throw it at Fang's helmet if he said the wrong thing.

"Yeah I'd bet you'd like that but you can't do that can you?" Drake questioned mockingly.

"What do you mean by that?" Fang asked, sounding slightly confused.

"You can't kill me. Because if you do, your gold mine of intel leaves, never to be heard from again." Drake said mockingly with a chuckle as he watched Fang look away from him.

"It would be very simple. Elite's aren't the brightest of sparks. You died in a battle recently but confessed who the Elite was to me. That I could trust the Elite and it could trust me. I could then bring it in, interrogate it for information and then end it's miserable life." Fang said with a growl, his anger clearly showing through the filter of his helmet.

There was a loud thump before several items scattered across the floor as Shapiro slammed his fists down on the desk. Fang and Drake shut their mouths as they glanced over to the Commanding Officer.

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