Episode 3: Meeting the Peerage/A emperor's beatdown

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It was soon morning as the sun was shining across the town of Kuoh, many people young and old had began to wake up and get one with their daily lives.

However, one house were more so still quiet as we see Kazuma resting on the couch since he would now have Ingvild sleeping on his bed, since she would be staying with him for now on.

Kazuma also needed to figure out how he would keep Ingvild hidden because they were in devil territory, and if the devils find out about Ingvild, it will cause problems.

Ddraig: [So, you are not going to school?]

Kazuma sighed.

Kazuma: I can't leave her alone here. Especially we have more Fallen Angels showing up here, than usual. We'll just be asking to sign her death warrant. I'll just stay here until I figure out what to do.

Ddraig: [You're lucky a lot of people dislike you and you get good grades to the point no one would notice you.]

Kazuma: I know.

Kazuma soon heard footsteps from upstairs, before looking to see Ingvild.

Ingvild: *Yawns* Oh...morning, Kazuma...

Kazuma: Morning, Ingvild. Did you sleep well?

Ingvild: Oh um...yeah, I did...I'm sorry you had to sleep on the couch.

Kazuma: Don't worry about it. I don't need to sleep much. Are you hungry?

Ingvild: Oh, um, yes please.

Kazuma: Alright, wait here.

Kazuma soon heads to the kitchen while Ingvild looked on with a smile.

We can now see Kai who was busy snoring in his bed before an alarm rang making him scream and kick the alarm clock.

Kai: Ugh...I hate alarm clocks...

Kai soon checked the time.

Kai: Oh crap! I'm going to be late for school!

Kai soon got out of bed before getting changed as he soon runs to change his clothes before heading out to school due to the fact he didn't want to be late.

Ao Bing: [Looks like you're going to be in deep trouble.]

Kai: Oh shut up!

Ao Bing: [No, I don't think I will.]

Kai: I hate you. >:((

Ao Bing: [Love you too.]

Thankfully, Kai had managed to arrive to the school on time as he looked around and sighed in relief.

Kai: Oh thank god. Now I need to go to class.

Kai soon headed off to class before he soon arrived to his math classroom, which he hated because fuck math.

Kai: Well...here I am...

Kai soon headed to the classroom and sat down. Now he would expect this to be something more of a normal day at school, which he would kinda need considering the fact that all that had happened. After fusing with Ao Bing, meeting Kazuma, and find a lot about the supernatural, Kai wanted to relax and have a simple normal life without all of what had happened during the previous days.

Later on, after an hour, it was soon time for a break for twenty five minutes before they would soon go back to class to do the next lesson.

But as Kai was packing up so that he can get going to relax and eat his snacks, he heard the girls squeal as they look to see none other than the so called Prince of Kuoh, Yuuto Kiba.

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