Her Butler: Loveless

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With Venus now joining the staff, things around the mansion had become... a lot more lively.

The human language lessons were going slow, but I learned to be patient when it comes to these kind of things.

Sebastian and Grell had been training her on the chores that needed to be done on the mansion, and for being a wolf that lived in the wild, she knows a thing or two on how to keep things clean.

They've also been teaching her to not let her animal instincts take control, such as wanting to run around the mansion naked or chase after a cat that wandered on the property.

But other than those things... things at the mansion were going smoothly.


To say the lessons with Venus were going well... would be a lie.

To Cassandra, it felt like little progress was made in the time it took them to try and learn new words to speak. And when it seems like Venus was going to say an actual word, it just regressed back to barks and ruffs.

By the third failed attempt to get Venus to speak, Cassandra closed the book.

"Okay, it seems this was all a waste of time. I'm sorry to have been doing this for so long that it amounted to nothing in the end Venus..." She said apologetically, getting up and was about to leave when...


Cassandra sharply moved her head to look at Venus, who she could've sworn heard her talk.

"What did you say?"

"Cassy!" Venus said again.

"Yeah... yeah that's right! Cassy!" Cassandra said with a smile, pointing at herself.

"Venus... loves... Cassy!"

Just then the door opened to show Grell entering the Library.

"Hey so how's the human language lesson going?"

Without responding, Cassandra pointed at the Reaper.

"Who's this Venus?"

"G... Grell!"

"That's right! You're finally talking!" Cassandra said excitedly, hugging the wolf maid.

"Oh! So the mutt has learned how to talk afterall. I know Bassy never bothered trying to teach Pluto because he never gave any indication of learning to talk."

"Not mutt! Demon Hound!" Venus argued, pouting.

The teenager laughed. "Yeah, yeah you are."


Over the past week, Venus has been learning more and more words to say. She learned how to answer questions with yes and no, how to ask for things and even say how she's feeling. Cassandra could never forget the look on Sebastian when Venus called him Bassy, immediately suspicious if Grell was the one to have taught her that.

"No Sebastian, Bassy was easier to learn."

But nonetheless, Venus had made herself perfectly fit in with the already unusual staff of the Hollyberry mansion.

But one day, they noticed a slight change in her behavior.

It was a rather cloudy day, hinting at a storm as Venus stared out the window longingly. Sebastian was the first to find her, sitting in a chair while her head rested in her arms. He knew she had already done the chores she needed to do today, but learned she would always spend that free time chewing on a dog toy or resting somewhere in a random spot in the mansion.

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