Her Butler: Beginnings

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For whoever finds these letters, let me just say hello.

My name is Cassandra Hollyberry, and this is the story of my life.

It all started on that one fateful day...

Me, my parents, and older sister were coming home from seeing a movie. the street lights malfunctioned when we were crossing... and a car was driving right at us.

My sister pushed me out of the way just in time before I got hurt, but I can't say the same for my family.

The funeral was held two weeks after, but barely anyone came...

I was all alone now... in a big mansion with more money than I know what to do with. But what's the point of having it all when you don't have anyone to share it with?

And it's not like I can go out and make friends, most of the others at school think I'm weird because of my likes and interests in anything spooky or occultish.

But that changed when school ended like any other day...


Cassandra walked down the stairs, wanting to just go home and finish her assignments. She ignored the jeers of the other teens calling her creepy and asking her if she was going back to her haunted mansion.

Paying them no mind, she hops on the bus as she takes her seat and pulls out a book from her bag.

"Now, where were we?" Cassandra asked herself, removing the bookmark where she left off reading.

It was a book about demons and angels, what sets them apart and what they strive for in their immortal lives. It was that kind of stuff that Cassandra takes comfort in, a light in her dark gloomy life after her family's death.

There was something about the occult in general that fascinated her... to learn more about and find out if they were real for a time. That's probably what she'll be studying when she starts college, and become a researcher for anything abnormal and weird.

'Yes, that'll be wonderful to do. No more of others making fun of me for my interests. And maybe I'll be able to even find demons and other creatures."

Cassandra was so engrossed in her reading and thoughts of the future, that she missed her stop as the bus kept driving.


Cassandra placed the bookmark on the page she stopped at and messaged her hands.

"Man, that was a good read. Who knew demons have their own share of quirks and things to like as well!"

"Last stop, everyone off."

'Wait, last stop?'

She looked out the window to see she arrived at the edge of town, where the last stop on the bus arrives before turning in for the day. Hesitantly, she grabbed her backpack and gets off the bus with two other people. The bus door closes as it drives off and the remaining adults walk to their homes.

She looked to her left and right, trying to figure out how to get back home. This place was unfamiliar to her, so she couldn't really figure out where to go.

'Oh wait! I can just use a map app to get back home!'

But just as she brought her phone out of her pocket...


A clap of thunder was heard as it started raining. Cassandra immediately threw her phone in her backpack to prevent it from getting wet, running along the busted sidewalk to find a place to take shelter.

Black Butler: Found Family (Oc fic)Where stories live. Discover now