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Jamie tried his best to stay big when Vincent is around so he will be able to talk to him about if he would love to be his caregiver but the excitement he felt thinking about Vincent agreeing to be his caregiver had sent him slipping straight to his little space and had ended up hurting himself when trying to make coffee for Vincent.

And him sending Vincent to his room to get the first aid box kit making him to find out part of things he wanted to tell him himself almost makes him cry, he doesn't want him to find out yet until he tells him first and be sure if he is accepting of things like that or not.

He had rushed right after Vincent had went in when he remembered the situation of his room and he was scared to death as he saw the look on Vincent face when he saw the pastel pink forts he had made for his little space.

It reminds him of the way his brothers had looked at him three years ago when they also finds out about him.

The time of look he couldn't decipher if it's a look of hatred or just dislike.

Jamie had thought it was the right time for him to tell Vincent the reason he had called him over but when Jamie realised the younger is planning to pretend he didn't just notice a pink fort that was supposed to be for a nursery or a little girl in his room despite the fact that he is the only one living in the apartment.

It breaks him.

He didn't what to go through the same thing all over again. He didn't want to pretend like someone didn't just fine out about him. He hates the silent treatment he was given about the issue. He want to know what they think about it not them just wave it aside and behaved it never occurs.

The thought that Vincent had found him weird and had decided not to say anything because he was the teacher to his little sister breaks Jamie's heart even more he had no idea when he started crying.

He already had a soft spot for the younger boy, he didn't want him to leave him. He is scared of been hated by him.

"Hey, what did you mean by me pretending nothing happened?" Vincent asked still hugging Jamie patting his back slowly. "I am really sorry if I hurt you in anyway, I didn't mean to do that Jamie. Can you please tell me what I did wrong?"

Jamie had no idea if it's because he was scared about the whole thing or because of the way Vincent had hugged him so tight trying to sooth him and makes him stops crying...Jamie finds himself slips into his little space.

Scared that Vincent will find him more repulsive and hate him more if he finds out more about the little space side of him, Jamie pulled away from Vincent as he made to ignore him.

Holding Jamie by his arms trying to get his attention, "Jamie..." Vincent called looking worried.

"Nuh" Jamie jerk his hand away from Vincent as he made to stand up and walk away from him.

Vincent pulled him back to himself making Jamie ended up sitting down on his lap. Jamie gasped softly when he realised where he was sitting as he made to stand up but Vincent wrapped his arms around his waist preventing him from standing up.

"Vee~" Jamie whines as he made to free himself from Vincent grip while the later didn't bulge.

"Has much as I loved the way you called my name, I won't be releasing you unless you tell me what's wrong." Vincent said behind Jamie's ear making him to squirmed at the hot breathe of his mouth behind his ear.

"Vee, let Jamie go-pwease?" Jamie pleaded realizing how much effect him sitting down on Vincent is having on him. He is starting to feel aroused and he doesn't think they are that close for him to feel that way about him.

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