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"It was really nice to finally meet you Jamie. Let's hangout again some other time." Owen said, his arms on Jamie before pulling him into a hug.

"O-okay" Jamie replied softly also hugging him back while Vincent watched in total curiosity.

He had indeed decided to give them a little time to themselves when his mother had called him earlier. He waited a bit much longer outside hoping they did bond in the little way they could before he will goes back into the room but he wasn't expecting this turn of events. The rest of the evening had gone so smoothly more than he had expected.

Jamie relate with his friends like they've knew eachother a very long time. He couldn't help but wondered what had happened when he wasn't with them.

Jamie bade Dylan bye with a hug too before the duo left in their car. Vincent walks with Jamie towards his car opening the door for him to enter before entering the driver's seat.

"What's wrong?" Jamie asked, after noticing how Vincent was looking at him instead of starting the car.

"Do you have anything to tell me?" Vincent sked hoping Jamie will talk to him about his friends. He wanted to know how possible it was for them to relate so we'll with eachother.

"No..? Anything like what?"

Vincent sighed turning to Jamie. "Did my friend said anything to you? I mean did they threatened you or something?"

Jamie was quite looking at him, not understanding what he was getting at making Vincent to feel stupid.

"Sorry, I was just being concern. You guys just relate well with eachother, it makes me wondered how that happened."

"So you think I was threatened to pretend to be friendly with them in front of you?"

That doesn't sound like something they will do. What was I being paranoid about actually? Vincent thought.

"Your friends are really a nice people, I'm so jealous of you for having friends like that who cared about you and your feelings so deeply. You shouldn't think of them that way."

"Yeah, you are right. Sorry."

"No, I should be the one telling you sorry. I never really cared about your feelings. I had always treated you so bad."

Vincent was confused, he had no idea what Jamie was talking about. He had no idea in what way was he treating him badly.

Did Dylan and Owen really said something to him? Why is he talking like this?

Vincent held Jamie's hand. "What are you talking about babe? You never treated me badly in any way. Did my friends-"

"Vincent, I'm sorry."


"I had always doubted your love for me. I wondered what you saw in me that made you find me interesting in the first place. Meeting your friends made me realised a lot of things. I-"

Growing impatient, Vincent fumes pulling Jamie by his arms closer to himself. "So they indeed said something to you. Are you trying to break up with me?"

"Vee..." Jamie called softly. "I just want to tell you that-"

"No! Please don't tell me anything." Vincent begged his mind clouded with different thoughts.

Vincent groaned releasing Jamie's hand as he banged his hand on his car wheel before resting his head on his and on the wheel talking slowly. "I don't even know if I have the right to call you mine. Our relationship-I don't know what we are to eachother. I don't know if me saying you want us to break up makes any sense since we are not even in any relationship yet, but Jamie, I don't know what you want to say but I am really scared of hearing it."

Vincent raised up his "Don't push me away please. You don't have to like me back yet, I promise. I will do everything to prove to you how much you meant to me. I really like you alot, I have never felt this way in a long time. The thought of you leaving is..."

Vincent trails on his words as Jamie raised his hand up to his face wiping his cheek softly making him realised he had already started crying. "Vee...dont cry please."

Vincent held Jamie's hand on his cheek staring at him. "Jamie...I really like you. You are right, this doesn't makes sense, I felt this way towards you even though we met just less than two months ago, but those time are enough for me to feel this way towards you. I-uhmp"

Vincent froze as he felt Jamie's lips on him kissing him innocently. He didn't have much time to get over his surprise and kissed him back when Jamie stops the kiss moving away from him.



"Cann daddy nuh cwy pwease, Jamie ish sad."

Realizing how scared the older might have been with his outburst, Vincent wiped his face before wrapping his arms around Jamie's shoulder pulling him closer to him. Jamie as well rested his head on the younger's chest despite the uncomfortable position.

"I'm so sorry baby, I didn't mean to scare you like that. I got carried away with my emotions."

"Nuh, Jamie ish sowwie for making daddy sad en cwy." Jamie raised up his face to look at Vincent as he pouts. "Sowwie daddy."

Vincent smiled lowly, staring at the older is enough to get his mind at rest. He knew he was getting obsessed with him and he was okay with it. Jamie's presence in his life and changed a lot about him, he felt more relieved and happy now, like he had been drowning before but had been saved thanks to the older walking into his life. He knew he had to do everything possible to stay by his side forever, even if he only got to be my his side only as his caregiver, that's enough for me.

Vincent moved away from Jamie as he helped put on his seatbelt. "Let me take you home, it's getting late." He said before he made to sit well and starts the car but was stopped by Jamie who held his hand. "daddy"

"Yes, baby." Vincent smiled carressing Jamie's hand on him.

"Jamie wikes daddy so much. Jamie don' want daddy to weave him. Jamie we cwy if daddy weave. Jamie wikes daddy a hole lot. Jamie does nuh wan daddy to go 'cause Jamie we fweel all alone if daddy isn't here no more. Jamie wan daddy to stay 'cause Jamie woves daddy so much."

Jamie felt out of breath having to say all that at a go as he closed his eye while trying to caught his breathe not looking to see how the younger indeed felt more than happy to hear what he just said.


The older was quite for a few seconds as he slowly opens his eye looking at Vincent. Vincent smiled as he carressed his cheek lightly. "Baby"

"Daddy" Jamie replied softly.

"I like you so much."

"I-I like you too daddy." Jamie said with a smile.

Vincent's eye widen in surprise. "You are..."

The older nod with a smile before leaning more closer towards Vincent kissing him on the lips. Vincent wrapped his hand around the back of his neck slipping his hand into the older's hair grabbing it lightly as he deepens the kiss.


Yeah, I know this was written in such a crappy way. I am been having a hard time constructing and arranging my sentences. I hope it's gets better as the story goes on.

Just so excited to see the story is finally on 10k reads and I couldn't keep my excitement.

I don't know who is still reading this afterall but thank you so much for giving this piece a try despite it been one of the worst out here.

Thank you so much, it means a whole lot to me.


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