the talk(s) and the fight for the claim

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Ben and Midoriya sit along with Bakugo and their parents. Everyone looks incredibly uncomfortable except for Ben. Inko is sitting next to her son and tapping her feet. Midoriya is messing with the omnitrix, and he sees that after the tenth monster, the  watch loops back to the first one.

"OK, it seems not everyone is here, but I don't feel like waiting, so let's cut to the chase. What you have on your wrist.. I'm sorry I never got your name." Ben says to Midoriya.

"Oh, I'm Midoriya." He says. Ben looks at him.

"First name? I figure since I'm gonna be teaching you how to use your powers, we should be on a first name basis." Inko obviously took massive offense to this because she stood up as soon as Ben finished his sentence.

"I will not let you anywhere near my son until you tell me how you know about this thing on his wrist?" Inko points at Midoriya's wrist. She looks down at Midoriya and sees him messing with the watch.

"Izuku, stop messing with that!" Inko said as she pushed his hand. This, however, caused him to apply just enough pressure to make the face plate go down, transforming him. What took the place of Ben was now an orange furred dog with no eyes and a shoulder paldron holding the omnitrix.

 What took the place of Ben was now an orange furred dog with no eyes and a shoulder paldron holding the omnitrix

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"Ew, what the hell is that?" Bakugo and his mom yelled in unison. They were simply listening before, but seeing the dog freaked them out enough to start talking.

"Relax people. I'll just turn him back." Ben walks over to the dog and presses the omnitrix, and Midoriya returned to normal, albeit on all fours.

"Could any of you have done that?" Ben asked. Everyone simply shook their heads no.

"OK, training will have to wait until I can find somewhere to train. We can't go back to the forest because Vilgax is still looking for you." Everyone's head slowly turns to look at Ben.

"Who is Vilgax?" Everyone asked in unison. Ben chuckled.

"Someone you won't have to worry about for a while if memory serves me right." Ben says as he walks out of the door.

Vilgax's head crawls across a floor. The room is darkly lit, and someone talks to a monitor without noticing his existence.

"Progress report Kurogiri. How is our spy doing in his infiltration of UA." The man said, talking to a man made of smoke.

"Things are going well. They have no suspicions of them or their quirk." The smokey man said. The man in front of vilgax chuckled.

"Good, everything is going according to plan. Tell shigiraki I will be sending him one of the black nomu. Tell him not to use it until told." The man said before turning the monitor off.

"I see you." He says. But vilgax doesn't stop moving. He is, however, forced to stop when he is forced into the air.

"Now, what are you?" All for one says. Vilgax smiles.

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