u up?

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You woke up to a plush bed, heavy blankets, and bright lights splitting your skull, with a deep squint and a shaky hand trying to block the lights you looked around, definitely a hospital room,there was a teenage boy sleeping on a chair in the corner, finding the nearest non- dangerous object (it being a little notepad on the bedside table,) you balled it up and tossed it at the mysterious kid, failing to hit even his foot, there was a deep ache swallowing your arm as you attempted several more times. After that fail you tried to just ask him, but your mouth was so dry that there was just a soft & scratchy "hey" that was barely louder than a whisper. You decided to just put a pillow over your face and wait for someone else to help. After enough time for a deep and refreshing nap. You heard the click oh the handle, and the sound of heavy duty boots with the soft rustle of clothes. Peeking out from under the pillow you saw a tall brunette with a very metallic sleeeve slowly closing the door,
You: the lights.
It came out harsh and quiet, but the brunette jumped like he heard a ghost
You: please turn off the lights
???: uh, sure thing.
He reached for the switches and turned them all off, leaving only the soft glow that passed the thinly curtained windows. After several moments you saw that his ' sleeve' was in fact his arm.now that, is cool as hell. he walked to the boy and lightly shook him awake, mumbling something to him about nurses. The boys eyes widened as he saw you looking at him. He scurried out the door, and the tall man pulled a chair toward your bedside.
You: yes
???: great, this must be a bit scary for you, but don't worry your safe now. My name is James Barnes, you can call me Bucky if you'd like. The kid sleeping in here is peter. The others will come soon to introduce themselves starting with Thor, who I'm sure you already know. I can stay or leave depending on what you'd prefer.
You: thank you mr.barnes, you can stay. Umm.. where's master Loki?
Buckets brow furrowed a bit,
Bucky: he's far away, in a cell where he can't hurt you ever again.
He saw your eyes widen in slight horror
You: Is he alright?? Loki did not do this, he only tried to help, in fact, he saved my life bringing me here.
You looked at Barnes with his mouth hung in disbelief,
Bucky: but, he... you- what?
Before you could answer some nurses walked in followed by the painfully bright lights now at full capacity. They began bombarding you with all sorts of questions and tests, jamming you with needle and shining more lights at you, slowly shoving Bucky out of the room.
Bucky: oi!
He boomed, stopping everyone in their tracks.
Bucky: the kid just woke up. And I know youre not all on their team, so how about you let em breathe a bit.
The authority in his tone cleared out the room in seconds, leaving maybe three nurses who continued to ask questions. Kindly turning the lights back off at your request. After they were finished they brought you a light smoothly and water. You turned to bucky
You: thank you.
Your voice was much better after a couple sips of water.
Bucky: of course, all that harassment will do nothing but harm.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2023 ⏰

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