Family meeting ... + Izu and Umi

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Authorchan speaking

(The last chapter I did really sucked so if you guys don't like it I can rewrite but Im just going to continue as if it didn't stick and start the next chapter also please leave comments I would love to read them and my writing is going to be like the ocean some times it will be fast and messy sometimes it will be calm and collected but ya know its a working progress I still don't know my writing style so its going to be messy and unorganized and I feel like I have apologized one to many times for the this to only be the 9th chapter so I wont be apologizing as often but if its like really really bad then yeah I will apologize and fix it

sorry for the rant ugh I did it again anyway back to the story were we uhhhh oh yeah I remember.)


I and Umi walked out and immediately  went to find the stupid broklie mother fucker

I asked the UA queen first cause ya know that's where my brain thinks he is at the moment

"Hey RG did you happen to see a boy my age with green hair the one im normally hanging out with"

me and RG do our little hand shake she made when I was training with her a while back

"oh yeah he was completely beat up but it did not take long for me to fix him up he is just resting in the nurse's office." she says as we finish our hand shake

I quickly face palm the tell Umi to follow me and we make our way to the nurses' office while we do that I text Uncle mic to grab the fam and go to dad's office

once we get to the nurses office I find Izu he is sitting in the chair with an ice pack on his head and looks completely defeated I have never seen him this upset I really want to comfort him but that is something I can do at a different get your self together dolonia

"hey buddy we have a teansy weansy issue at the moment wanna come with me and once we descus this you can come over to my house tonight and sleepover you don't have to go to school tomorrow either my dad can get you out of it and even the day after that you don't need to go to school for however long you need ok we just need to do this and then we can head home" I say wanting to give him a hug but we cant right now 

He nods then stands up I grab his hand and we start walking over to the office Umi just looks curious and then I realize 

and I shake my head really fast and grab my phone and say 

'Umi dont get any idea we are not together he's my best friend we have known each other since we were like babys it is completely platonic' 

she responds with 'ok ok I wasn't calm your balls women' 

I turn into my dads office and sit down to see uncle mic, auntie midnight, dad, nezu, uncle might and auntie thirteen. Izu sits next to me and Umi stands completely still wanting to make a good first impression

 not knowing how to start this because my family made it very clear to me that I had to keep this all a secret from everyone "sooooooooo dad you remember when I made that promise to keep my powers a secret and letter that nigh we found out that little Izu was fallowing us and found out what I am so we just made sure to make sure he never tells anyone and remember the 3 students who heard I told them not to tell anyone before they left so I quickly scanned them and made sure they where trustworthy but instead you ended up earasing my existence from their memory to protect me " I said all in one breath hopefully in a way so he understood where I was going with this

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