Letter 2: Dear Brother

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Dear Brother

I know I wasn't a good sister, I was always telling you I hated you or I was hurting you. I remember once I said I wish you were dead or that we were never related but not once did I mean it.

I remember when pop got married and I hit you so hard you couldn't breath properly, I felt so bad but yet I didn't say sorry. I remember those times I would accidentally make you cry and then bribe you to shut up so I wouldn't get in trouble.

I hated how you would always put me down, call me fat, call me a s|u+ and any other word you could think of, you would call me ugly and not once did you say you were ever sorry, but wipe those tears away little brother I forgive you.

We had good times and we had bad times, but what brother and sister doesn't fight, I'm sorry I wasn't as good enough of a sister as I wish I could've been, I did the best I could at being there for you.

I LOVE YOU KID more then you would ever know, grow up and make mum and dad proud, show our younger brother what's right and what's wrong, stick by his side and be the best brother you can ever be.

I'm sorry I had to leave you's all but never forget that I love you and ill see you again one day hopefully LOVE YOU xoxo

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