009-the plan begins

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That was all that went through Carla's mind as she laid on the cool tile of the locker room, chest rising and falling in uneven motions as her lungs desperately forced air inside. Her throat seared in pain with every breath, burning as if it the air was fire, showing that Billy had not only damaged the outside-her skin was littered with bruises, his fingertips imprinted on to her neck-but the inside too.

Her head pounded from the concussion she'd received, blood trickling down the side of her face from the wound. Her wrists and ankles felt numb to any sort of sense, tingling as they fell asleep from the tight rope wrapped around them, enabling any sort of movement.

But, despite all the pain and injury, Carla was alive.

Nonetheless, she knew-even with a concussion-that she wouldn't be for long if she didn't get out of that locker-room within the next few minutes.

It wouldn't be long before Billy either found the person in the building, or just let it go and returned to Carla, knocking her out and leaving her to the Mind Flayer enjoyment, and Carla truly didn't like the idea of becoming like the nightmare version of herself-cold, emotionless, uncaring.

So, with the idea of escape in mind, Carla began scooting away from her attacker, which was easier said than done. Turns out, trying to move without the help out joints was rather difficult, and the fact that her body was in a weak state didn't add any help whatsoever-neither did the pain that overcame her when she moved.

Still, Carla had to try.

So, with Billy still charging towards the door, the weak girl slowly attempted at scooting herself away, knees and elbows rubbing against the tile as she inched her way towards the door, which felt as if it were miles and miles away.

"Do you hear me? Pool is closed!" The Hargrove's voice echoed through the small room, causing the girl he'd previously been trying to harm to slightly jolt. Never had she felt so threatened and afraid by the voice of a man-or a person in general. She hated the fact that she was so scared of Billy, but then again, she couldn't help it. He'd just threatened her life, and was more than likely going to do so again if she didn't find a way out sooner than later.

A few slams followed Billy's harsh words, showing his struggle to open the door-for what reason, Carla didn't know. She doubted he would have locked it, as he may have needed a getaway option if someone was to catch him with her.

Then, as if it were planned, the lights dimmed, causing Carla's eyes to narrow. Unless there was an unexpected power outage like there had been a few days beforehand, there shouldn't be any way for the lights to just turn off. Unless......

A light bulb of hope flickered inside of Carla's chest at the thought. Someone was still here. They hadn't been scared away by Billy. Someone was here and if she could just-


Carla let out an unexpected sob of relief the moment she heard the boy's name echo. She knew that voice; she knew it very well.

It belonged to her brother. Mike was here.

Biting her lip to keep quiet, the girl listened in to what her brother was saying, the tone of his voice, trying to figure out what he was doing. Mike obviously didn't know that she had almost been kidnapped, nor that she was here to begin with.....so why was he at the pool taunting Billy? Did he know something she didn't, or was he just messing around for the fun of it?

³𝐆𝐎𝐍𝐄, 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐨𝐧 ✔Where stories live. Discover now