019-car trouble

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Carla gave a light, slightly exhausted smile—she'd run all the way back to them. "Hi."

"Hey?" Max raised a brow, slightly confused on why her sister-figure had returned.  Did they forget something? "Why are you back? You are going with the Scoops Troop, right?"

"Not anymore." the Wheeler girl admitted.  It was too late to change her mind—not that she wanted to.  Staying with the kids was the right choice, her gut feeling. Despite wanting to stay with Steve, she knew the Griswold Family was where she was meant to be.  "I came back to be with you guys."

"Wait, you chose us—" the Mayfield paused, gesturing around the mall to symbolize the entire group, "—over Steve?"

Carla shrugged, "I guess?"


The two teens shared a look with each other, causing the Wheeler girl to narrow her eyes at them. "Why are you two staring at each other like that?" A small smile grew on Lucas' face and her eyes narrowed even more, "What?"

"I don't know, I just feel worthy." Lucas shrugged with a smirk, playing around with the older girl. Max nodded in agreement as her boyfriend continued messing around, "I mean, you chose us losers over Steve Harrington."

Max summed it up, "It's just a shocker. Usually we're the ones getting ditched."

"I—I don't ditch you." Carla exclaimed—here we go again with the kids coming after her relationship again.  But, hey, at least they were making comments about her sex life this time.  "I just let you go off on your own for a few hours so I can have quality time with my boyfriend. There's a difference."

The redhead shrugged with an amused expression, "Sure there is."

"For your information, I didn't come back because I wanted too, okay? I had too." the Wheeler crossed her arms.  If it were her choice, she'd be in the passenger seat of the ToddFather  but when was it her choice in these situations? "I've been with you guys for the past week, and we've gone through hell and back together.  It just feels wrong leaving you guys now.  "

Lucas smiled, "Aw, Carla's getting mushy on us." 

"I'm always going to get mushy over you little shits." Carla admitted, because it was true. For as long as she was alive, as long as the kids were a major part of her life—and let's be honest, they always would be after everything they've been through—she'd always go sentimental with them, or emotional.  It was just a motherly instinct, she supposed.

The small moment was interrupted by Mike, who approached with a confused look. "Carla?" He looked between his friends and his sister.

The Wheeler spoke with a lopsided smile, "Got room for one more in the Griswold family?"

Mike took that as his answer that Carla was staying and nodded, before turning back towards the center of the mall where Hopper and El were sitting, more than likely having some sort of final heart to heart before having to part ways—the Wheeler boy once more ruining a moment with his voice.

"Hey." both Hopper's turned to look at him, "We should probably go."

The two share one final hug before Mike and Max both come up to help Eleven walk—she still needed support after what happened earlier on within the night—the three of them taking a few steps before stopping, Hopper calling out for the boy.

³𝐆𝐎𝐍𝐄, 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐨𝐧 ✔Where stories live. Discover now