The Alpha's Return, Conquering the Enemy Kingdom!

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After surviving an attempted assassination, the young Lian flees with his younger brother to the Constance duchy. However, the proprietor had no plans of letting them go and an order to retrieve them was handed to the royal knights. Confusion and havoc grew within the territory as Lian and his brother were branded as traitors and were hunted down.

Upon hearing the news, duke Constance aimed to protect his nephews and decided to escape with Lian. The duchess, on the other hand, was entrusted with the younger brother and headed to the nearby territory where her relatives lived.

In their escape, duke Constance lost his life in the hands of an assassin. However, the deemed assassin could not take the life of the child and instead took pity on the young Lian, letting him escape. Lian was somehow able to reach his destination, to his maternal uncle's kingdom, the kingdom of Tharean ruled by the tyrant King Portgas Vienna Acillion.

Lian was able to recover with the help of the kingdom's healers and was advised to rest for a month due to his injuries. Nevertheless, with the news about the death of duchess Constance, he decided to leave and save his brother. However, this vigor was short-lived and with the king stopping him, Lian had no choice but to wait for the right time.

King Portgas decided to hide Lian from the enemies by faking the young man's death and claiming Lian as his son from an entertainer of a neighboring kingdom. Now Lian lives as the son of the dictator under the name Lian Vien Acillion.

Lian spent his years under the supervision of his benefactor and gathered all information about his missing brother. His brother had a weak body and knew nothing much in the outside world which adds to the urgency of finding him.

Soon, he finds out that after the duchess left his brother to a relative, she was sadly tracked down and was killed on the spot. In fear that they would be involved and be branded as traitors, the family decided to hand the young boy to a slave dealer. Uncovering the dealer's whereabouts, Lian's men were able to trace where the boy was taken.

The young brother was taken to the Deck territory where an all-out war between the rebels and the Zarquoa kingdom recently took place. With the help of the Zarquoa King, the rebels were defeated and over five hundred slaves who were forced into battle were saved, one of them being Lian's younger brother.

Using the honorable name of the Acillion family and convincing the King's cousin Duke Phillius Vonn Rossen, Lian was able to enter the Zarquoa kingdom as a knight who'll participate in the peace treaty exchange between the kingdoms of Tharean and Zarquoa. The 500-year peace treaty required each kingdom to exchange a thousand knights per year to the neighboring kingdom to avoid treason and revolt thus giving Lian a chance to participate under the disguise of the Rossen duchy's distant relative, Lian Rossen.

Thus, the young and promising knight Lian Rossen enters the Zarquoa kingdom in search of his young brother. However, he never thought it would take more time than expected. For some reason, Lian could not find his brother anywhere in the mansion. He had thoughts that his brother might've passed or was taken away to another kingdom but the bond they share was strong enough to convince Lian that he's somewhere in the palace.

It was a few months when Lian finally found out what happened to his brother. The young one turned out to have been locked up by the second prince, in Prince Adrianne Kuea Queerati's chambers, the only place Lian, nor anyone, couldn't enter. In desperation, Lian asked help from a wandering mage, a mysterious magician who claims to be a seer.

With much struggle, Lian finally found his brother. However, all hopes went dim as Lian found himself too late. His brother passed away in his hands, drawing his last breath after saying his last words.

"You found me..." the words that were forever imbedded in Lian's mind as he planned his revenge.

With the saintess finally appearing, Lian took the chance to spark up the rebellion against the Queerati family. However, the second prince found interest for the saintess which made the two clash for her affection. After the saintess chose to be on Lian's side, the mad second prince massacred everyone in the palace including his family. Capturing the saintess, the prince used her to lure Lian in the palace and it's when the final battle took place.

Having the life of his beloved on the line, Lian's curse took over and was able to finish off the second prince, giving him a painful and bloody death. It was supposed to be over, as everyone thought, but the curse was too strong for Lian to control. The saintess then used all her remaining strength to cure Lian's curse in exchange of her life.

Losing everything he ever deemed important, Lian was then crowned the new king of Zarquoa. Being the tyrant king who took control of two kingdoms, Tharean and Zarquoa, he became a legend.




That's how the story's supposed to go...

But what the fuck am I doing here!?



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