1: The Sun and Two Moons

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Panic filled the palace as the news of the Regent's bleeding became known to the public. Everyone felt worried for him especially now that the King is currently in the battlefield.

"Oh my goodness, oh my goodness!" the head maid exclaimed as she paced back and forth, obviously more nervous than the man lying on the bed.

"Laura, please calm down. You're making me dizzy." Regent Type said with a chuckle as the woman stopped and glared at him.

"How can I calm down when Your Majesty's bleeding like this? You are a week early for labor and His Majesty isn't even here!" Laura complained, hands waving around in frustration.

"The King is doing his outmost capability to protect this kingdom, you are fully aware of that. I can take care of myself even without him." Regent Type said before biting his lip as he felt a pinching pain on his back and thighs.

"He's your husband, for goodness sake!" Laura pointed out as she ran to him with a towel to wipe the sweat on his forehead.

"He is the King." The regent repeated and Laura rolled her eyes, stopping herself from arguing further.

The regent stayed in his room for three more days as his doctors kept track of his condition. He is near his due but no one expected him to be this sick, to the point of bleeding and losing consciousness. Still, the regent remained calm and never showed weakness.

The regent was always known as a strong-willed minister and strategist before falling for the King. Though their marriage was for political gain, the regent cannot deny how he has fallen for the King and his pregnancy proves how much he has given up his body for his husband. Still, no matter how much he loves the man, he cannot hold him back from serving the kingdom that the royal family has protected for centuries.

A day before the regent's due, he felt weaker and his mana core going almost dim. This caused more panic inside the mansion as the servants began to pray, hoping the regent would not end up as the King's mother who passed away after giving birth.

"Please... make sure that my baby is safe..." Regent Type said weakly as Laura held his hand tight, crying as she shook her head.

"You can do this, Your Majesty. Please, hang on a little longer." Laura pleaded making the latter let out a bitter smile.

Living a happy life with the King, was it too much to ask? The regent couldn't help but ask the divinity as he hang on to dear life.

That night, as the regent was alone asleep in his room, a touch on his face caused him to wake up. The moonlight from the window was enough for him to see the man in front of him, covered in blood and dirt.

"My King..." The regent called as his hand reached out to touch the man's face, hoping he was really in front of him.

"I'm home now." The King's voice was enough to break the regent's strong will, making him cry for the first time since the King left.

The next morning, everything was more hectic than usual. With Laura forcing the King out the room for him to clean up to the regent's amniotic sac tearing, the palace was filled with complete chaos.

Hours of waiting outside the door, the King couldn't help but panic as he waited for his husband to give birth. He had so much reports to read and proposals to approve but nothing could be more urgent than this, he even cut the war period short just to get home. He can't just leave now.

Then, everyone froze to their feet as soon as they heard a baby's cry. Elated, the King was about to open the door but it was locked.

"Open the door!" he ordered but only heard the regent's scream as response.

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