2: Waking Up in a New World

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"Something's not quite right, Ever. I'm sure he woke up two days ago. He's not in a coma, is he?" The panicking Regent Type began to worry as he paced the young prince's bedside.

"Your Majesty, are you sure about what you saw? I mean, you've been stressed and—" Sir Everette was cut off the moment the regent glared at him.

"I know what I saw, Ever." Regent Type insisted as he sat on the prince's side before caressing the young one's cheek.

After having Sir Everette call the doctor, Regent Type came back in the room only to see that the young prince was asleep. Since the doctor cannot examine the young one unconscious, he was told to leave as the adviser and regent were left wondering what was actually going on.

Looking at the innocent sleeping face of the young prince, none could ever think nor expect what's currently going on inside his head.

'Shit. Shit. Shit. What the fuck is going on!?' Kuea screamed cruses in his mind as he tried to control his breathing, attempting to imitate a sleeping child.

Kuea initially thought that he was dreaming but he's been sleeping and waking up only to find himself in the same room with the same body. What's worse is he's slowly remembering everything that happened in his past life but he can't seem to recall anything about this place. It's as if he just woke up after dying.

'What kind of shitty reincarnation drama is this? I just wanted to die and end everything. Is it too much to ask!?' Kuea kept ranting in his mind, cursing the hell out of everyone and everything.

"I think we should call help from the magic tower, Your Majesty." Sir Everette suggested as the regent let out a sigh.

'Magic tower? What magic tower?' Kuea asked upon hearing the adviser's words.

"He wouldn't like it and you know that." The regent reminded the latter, referring to the King who's always been hostile towards the magic tower.

"But Your Majesty..." Sir Everette paused, trying to think of a way to convince the regent.

"Your Majesty, we've tried everything for the young prince and the magic tower's the only one we didn't reach out to. Lady Mikana could be able to see through the young prince's illness." Sir Everette explained making the regent think.

Hearing a familiar name, Kuea made a fist as he felt a sense of panic.

'The divine one will punish you for this...' Kuea remembered what the woman named Mikana told him in his past life.

'Punishment? Is that what this is? Am I being punished for what happened?' Kuea asked himself.

"Lady Mikana is the most talented mage in the tower and I'm sure she can help us out, Your Majesty." Sir Everette added making Kuea feel more anxious.

To think that a woman with the same name as that shaman would be here and for her to have some sort of importance, Kuea can't help but feel bothered. If she's a mage, it basically means she has some ability others doesn't. Meaning, she might see that Kuea is not the original Kuea.

'Damn it. I don't even know what's happening and now I'm about to get busted.' Kuea began to panic, thinking of a way to escape this situation.

"Alright. I'll call her. Maybe we can make her come here without anyone noticing." The regent decided making Sir Everette nod.

Regent Type then leaned to the young prince before planting a light kiss on his forehead.

"Don't worry, love. We'll get through this together so please hang on a little longer. Sleep tight my little pup." Regent Type whispered before finally leaving the room with his adviser.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2023 ⏰

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