Chapter 4: Derkila's Crest

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Lajenaco: "Alright, where did I left this off? I seriously apologize, my life is just too busy and chaotic as of late. Anyways, this story isn't about my life, so I'll remove what I vented out. Feel free to proceed, it's up to you whether you enjoy this chapter or not."

Sullivan and Opera heard the sudden noise, and they quickly ran towards Iruma's room.

Sullivan: "Iruma-kun!"
Opera: "Iruma-sama!"
Iruma: *Startled* "??" *Pause* "U-uhm... I'm sorry... For the mess...!"

The adult demons stood in shock as they stare at the young human. A week passed with Iruma being unconscious, so they were speechless from seeing him awake.

Sullivan: *Confused* "O-Opera... Am I hallucinating? Is this reality?"
Opera: *Fazed* "No... I'm certain that you're not hallucinating, Sullivan-sama."
Sullivan: *Proceeds to pull his handkerchief.* "T-then... Is that?"
Opera: "Yes, it's Iruma-sama."
Iruma: "Uhm, what is it...?"
Sullivan: *Crying* "Iruma-kun! Ahhh!! I missed you so much! Are you okay? Does anything hurt?"
Opera: "Welcome back, Iruma-sama."
Iruma: "No, I'm fine. I'm sorry for worrying you, Grandpa. Uhm, thanks, Opera-san."
Sullivan: *Crying* "I'm so glad! Iruma-kun was unconscious for a week and it made grandpa feel very worried!"
Iruma: *Pause* "What...? A week!? Is that true, Opera-san??"
Opera: "Yes, Sullivan-sama was so depressed to the point that he tried to create a resurrection spell to revive you."
Iruma: "Resurrection spell!?"
Sullivan: *Still crying* "I'm just preparing for the worst!"
Opera: "You tried using it on Iruma-sama yesterday. Before that, I want to tell you something, Iruma-sama."
Iruma: "What is it?"
Opera: "Belated happy birthday!"
Sullivan: *Freeze* "Opera! That's unfair, I wanna say it first! Belated happy birthday, Iruma-kun!"
Iruma: "T-thanks... Opera-san, and grandpa too."
Opera: "We understand that you must be confused, but I will go ahead and prepare a feast. Please wait, Iruma-sama."
Iruma: *He's still processing the situation.* "A feast? Yay! Wait, Is that why I got thinner?"
Opera: "Yes, I think so. Iruma-sama haven't eaten anything for a week after all."

The liveliness faded as Opera drags Sullivan outside of the room. He implied that Sullivan has a lot of work to do, but he had another reason, it was because Sullivan was too noisy. Iruma was left in the room, and he walked towards his bed, letting himself fall while his feet was dangling in the corner. He stared at the damage caused by his magic; Iruma fixed his eyes on it, and the damage slowly restored itself. Iruma thought that the mansion was amazing because it can repair itself.

After a while, Opera knocked on the door to inform Iruma about breakfast. Iruma replied and went down to a huge feast. He was thankful for the food and had his fill. After eating, he told Opera that he's going to take a warm bath. Opera warned him to stay at home to rest, and  he was forbidden from attending school for the day. After removing his shirt, Iruma noticed a emblem carved on his chest.

Iruma's POV: "Huh, what's this?" After all of those crazy events, I came here to have a peaceful bath, yet... What is this?! Why is it there?! Let's see... No! I can't remove it with my hands! Is this a cursed seal?! Am I gonna die?! No way... After getting out of that situation...

The emblem suddenly lit up. Iruma panicked in thoughts that it might explode, but he calmed himself down and focused. He touched the mirror and stared at his reflection. Soon, he noticed an odd symbol hidden in the emblem. He tried to decode it, but the light disappeared. Iruma calmed himself and tried to focus on enjoying his bath. After soaking, Iruma laid down on his bed; again staring at his ring.

The peaceful silence stopped when he remembered everyone in the misfit class. He also forgot to inform Azz, Clara, and Ameri about his condition. He quickly grabbed his hellphone and informed everyone. But before that, he saw a lot of messages from the misfit group chat, and from 3 certain demons. He read every single one of the text, and sweat started forming in his forehead. He apologized a lot after knowing about how much he worried his classmates and soulmates.

Iruma took a quick nap and time passed. After waking up, he remembered his current problem. He decoded some information from the symbol, and he got an idea from it. He went out of his room to sneak through the door leading outside, but Opera caught him. He made an excuse that he simply wants to take a walk and breath fresh air. Strange enough, Opera allowed him to go.

Iruma's POV: *Sigh* "Alright! First, how do I enter my wicked phase?" Do I have to pretend that I'm a demon? Wait, I've been doing that from the very moment that I arrived in Netherworld... "Demon...?" Do I have to gather hatred? No, maybe desires? Curiosity? Craving for blood? "I-it can't be... Do I need to consume a human??" Nonono, that can't be!

Iruma did a lot of awkward things, but his wicked phase did not activate. He sat down on the grass to rest, and he stretched his hands to the empty skies. He gazed over his ring, and a lot of emotions built up inside of him. Worries, regrets, sadness, emptiness, and his willpower focused within him. He was overwhelmed, and his mind started ringing with unknown words which was spoken by a strange voice. It was repeating over and over again, and Iruma held himself to stop it.

His mana began bursting out uncontrollably, and it was dark purple. His vision turned into monochrome, and he felt his body starting to ache. He tried to calm down, but he felt the dark aura consuming him. He woke up after a few minutes as he pulled himself to sit on the grass. He felt really tired, and his body felt different. Iruma walked towards the door and entered the mansion.

Iruma's POV: Urgh, this sucks... Huh? Is that...? "Opera-san! Is something wrong?! What happened?!" Argh, my condition isn't very great either. What happened to Opera-san? Why is he-

Opera moved his limbs and he quickly sat up in shock. Iruma tried to ask a question, but Opera's response got interrupted. The servant froze because of the new aura of his master, and it left a confused, yet frightened look on him. Opera continued his response to Iruma, and he mentioned that a sudden strike appeared inside of his mind. Another thing that happened to Opera was his mana being drained. Which means, his calm composure was wavering. 

Iruma's POV: It happened to Opera-san too... Wait, did it really? What if I was the reason?? Nonono, calm down! For now, I'll check the emblem in my room... I came face to face with a mirror, and I saw a similar but different appearance from myself. "This...? Is this my wicked form...? This is my wicked form, but why does it feel different?". My behavior didn't change, so... Is this really my wicked form?? My appearance is darker and matured, but, I have fangs...? And my ears... They're not as pointy like a demon's ear, but it became pointier than usual... I tried to touch my reflection and I noticed that my nails got darker in color too. I pulled myself together to check the weird emblem, and I gathered my mana in attempts to destroy it. Suddenly, it lit up, but it's not like how it did a while ago. It slowly moved and formed different symbols before sinking into my skin. I freaked out, but I wasn't able to stop it. I was about to turn away from the mirror, but I suddenly felt a quick cut from my back. I tried to examine that area, but the cut happened again. The wound started feeling itchy and painful. It's like venom was injected, causing my muscles to throb.

Iruma felt the pain worsen, and the bones on his back began twitching as it split and collide with each other. This is another hellish experience, it was like his back was getting stabbed by a knife repeatedly. He fell on the floor, aching with pain. He tried holding the wound, but he felt a slope with bumpy-like texture. Soon, the voice spoke in his mind again. Iruma got annoyed at the timing, but he guessed that it's probably another side effect.

He bared with the pain without losing his consciousness. During the hellish moment, he was certain that something was coming out from his back. It was like a creature tearing him open. When the situation eased, he felt that there's something on his back. He weakly stood up, and he was beyond shocked and amazed at the same time.

He stared at his reflection with curious eyes, and he tried to touch the object, which was indeed a pair of wings. It was huge, and its black colored feathers are well polished as it emits an indescribable aura. Iruma was very surprised, and he tried to see if he can control it. For his bigger surprise, it felt like he had four arms. The only difference is that his wings requires more force than an arm, and it doesn't have fingers.

Iruma's wings are not very similar to a demon's wing, because it has feathers on the outer layer, and the inner layer has a thick, yet smooth leather texture. The feather isn't similar to a bird either. It's smooth, sharp, and tough. His wings have a sharp bone standing on the top, but it was slightly different because there's a emblem attached to his right wing. The details are visible because Iruma spread them out for examination.

Iruma turned around and noticed a tail. It was 13 inches long, and 1 inch wide. Its appearance was similar to 13 arrowheads, with each being 1 inch long and 1 inch wide. The arrowheads are black with bluish tint on their point. They are connected by an invisible force, just like the same sides of a magnet, with 1cm distance each. He noticed that his tail was behaving weirdly, as if it was his third hand. It cannot grab things, but it's not connected to him. It's like a sensor device that he could send a few meters away. The gap between each arrowhead allows it to bend in any direction, and they can stack on top of each other, making it easier to hide them. Speaking of hide, Iruma tried tucking his wings after the inspection, and he was able to tuck them as it automatically disappeared.

Extra: Iruma's tail is actually 33 inches long, but he does not know that yet. Once Iruma reaches the complete maturity stage for demons, his tail will be 66 inches long, and 2 inches wide. The three arrowheads will form a 3 inches long and 3 inches wide arrowhead that has a  darker blue tint. The remaining 10 arrowheads will no longer have a invisible force between them, because Iruma's black tail will connect them. It looks like a tail with it's pointy part, and 10 smaller points following behind, with each being separated by an inch. The smaller points can still fold, which means they can fuse. Three arrowheads can form a bigger arrowhead, and 10 arrowheads can form three bigger arrowheads. If that happens, Iruma will have 4 bigger arrowheads, and one small arrowhead. Three bigger arrowheads can form a 5 inches long and 4 inches wide arrowhead. The final result is one large arrowhead (5 inches long and 4 inches wide), one bigger arrowhead (3 inches long and 3 inches wide), and one small arrowhead (1 inch long and 1 inch wide). Iruma can control his tail in the future, so he may use it however he please. The available options are: [66 inches long, and 2 inches wide tail; with one bigger arrowhead and 10 small arrowheads], [53 inches long, and 2 inches wide tail; with one large arrowhead, one bigger arrowhead, and one small arrowhead]. Moving a tail doesn't mean you need your butt for it, just imagine having a controllable ligament in your tailbone. Yes, a long ligament that is not inside your body. Iruma's arrowheads that are connected by a invisible force feels like controlling magic in that ligament instead. However, he grew a real tail after completing his maturity stage.

A|N: My demonic trait: I torture characters before giving them something in return. I mean, the anime and manga are both too peaceful... We need violence! (Okay, I'm crazy. The anime and manga were wholesome though.). Anyways, I'm writing less scripts because I am trying to save time, and I forgot the outline for this chapter too...

Iruma was relieved, and he felt the sudden tiredness. He wondered if he was on his wicked phase, or if it was his normal body. He was quite contented for the day, and his grandfather came barging in once again. He hid because he wasn't ready to show his new appearance yet. Opera found Sullivan, and the servant whispered about what happened earlier. They found Iruma, and Sullivan was very surprised, yet worried of what he saw. Iruma told them about how it all happened.

Hearing about Derkila left a relieving pain for the three of them. Night came, and they had their dinner. Yet again, it's another celebration. After the fun, they went to bed. Iruma saw some text as he lay down. It was from the misfits and his girlfriend. He replied to everyone, but he noticed that Azz and Clara haven't seen his message yet. He wondered if they're busy, but he was worried too. He replied in the group chat and spent the night chatting with Ameri.

A|N: If I make a script for their conversation about Derkila, it will be longer. Making a quick summary is easier. I have to hurry because I still have to narrate on something. Also, writing scripts between couples isn't exactly my thing. I can write one, but it'll be too cringey for my heart. It's their personal life, and I won't step in their boundaries. Just kidding, the truth is... I'm quite lazy today, and I have no strength to write one. Maybe next time~

A new day started with a cheerful Sullivan, and a happy, yet quiet Opera. They all went to the dining room to eat their breakfast.

Iruma: "Thanks for the food!"
Sullivan: "So, how do you feel?"
Iruma: "You don't have to worry, grandpa. I don't feel anything strange."
Sullivan: "Is that so? Then, eat your fill!"
Iruma: *Nods* "Uhm, I tried to message Azz-kun and Clara, but they're not responding. Do you know how they're doing?"
Opera: "They didn't visit during the past days, I'm concerned. They were very worried and depressed after all."
Sullivan: "They didn't attend school during the past days too."
Opera: "And Sullivan-sama didn't go to work for those days either."
Sullivan: "I can't help it! You're so cruel, Opera!"
Iruma: "Azz-kun... Clara... Grandpa, is it fine if I visit them after school?"
Sullivan: "Sure, in one condition. Bring me with you!"
Iruma: "O-okay..."

Iruma finished his breakfast and he asked the adults if he's allowed to practice flying before going to school. Sullivan and Opera allowed him, but they stayed by his side. The three of them went outside of the mansion, and Iruma began moving his wings. It easily came out, thanks to their school uniform which was designed for using wings without ruining the shirt. Iruma jumped forward, setting off to fly. He was struggling with his balance in the air, and it felt different because he's carrying his weight. His wings just grew the day before, and he was a human so it was forced to grow unlike those of demons. It was a bit stingy when he moved them, but the pain slowly dispersed.

It was a challenging experience, but he was able to fly. He wasn't very great at flying yet, so he chose to walk instead. The students fixed their eyes at the top student, and they noticed his new appearance. They thought that he's on his wicked phase so everyone stepped aside, while some girls called out to him. Iruma smiled and turned away. The rumors were cleared, but a new topic began to rise, because as strange as it is, they see Iruma's tail moving around. His atmosphere was emitting dark aura too, and it makes some students tremble.

Lied: "Oh, welcome back, Iru- Wait, what happened to you?!"
Jazz: "He's probably on his evil cycle."
Gaap: "Is it because of Azz and Clara?"
Sabro: "It's good to see you, my rival!"
Lied: "Hey, don't intimidate him!"
Iruma: "Uhm, good morning, everyone... I'm really sorry about my absence!"
Kerori: "Are you really sure that he's on his evil cycle?"
Caim: "M'lady, maybe he regained himself?"
Lied: "You don't have to apologize again, and more than that, Azz-Azz and Clarin..."
Iruma: "Yeah, I'll visit them later."
Jazz: "You're right, that's the usual Iruma..."
Ix: "Oh, your tail is visible today."
Lied: "Tail? Whose?"
Allocer: "Oh, I can see it too."
Lied: "Iruma-kun's tail?"
Jazz: "Yeah, look, it's moving around him."
Sabro: "Hahahaha! What an interesting rival! A tail such as yours is to be expected!"
Gaap: "If it's Iruma-kun, I agree..."

The chatter was silenced by Kalego. Their instructor noticed the changes in Iruma, but he paid no mind. The discussion kept going, and Iruma was scolded. During the lunch break, Iruma felt quite lonely because Azz and Clara were not around. He had his lunch outside and he peacefully watched the forest. His tail was roaming around, and he realized that it was indeed a sensor. After eating, Iruma stood up to practice flying at the back of their school. There's barely demons in that area, and he had a lot of free time. He practiced at home so it won't be awful in case anyone sees him.

He tried to get used to it, until an hour has passed. Iruma was able to control the direction and speed, but he wasn't prepared to battle mid-air. The final bell soon rang, and Iruma grabbed his bag before flying back home. After arriving, Iruma and Sullivan prepared to pay their visits to Azz and Clara. Also, Sullivan and Opera saw him flying, and they were surprised at how well he improved. They went to Asmodeus' mansion first, and his tail felt a dark tension. He wondered about what was wrong as they arrived. David welcomed them with a worried expression, and Iruma paid his respects before entering the mansion. He walked towards Azz's room and was uncertain of what will happen. 

-To be continued-

Lajenaco: "I'm really sleepy, hahahaha~ Gomenasai! I still have to narrate, and I haven't eaten lunch yet. See yall next time!"

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