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lure me deep
set up
turn on the light

Chapter 40

    Gu Xincheng took the subway back to school from Guomao, and the journey was still an hour.

    When she found an empty seat, she sat down and rested.

    She walked a lot today, and the high heels made her soles hurt. She couldn't help thinking about such a question, whether high heels became the shackles of professional women, which violated the original intention of the inventor.

    After another two stops, a woman carrying a child boarded the subway.

    Passengers were either checking their phones or dozing off, and no one noticed her.

    Gu Xincheng gave up his seat, and the other party thanked her repeatedly.

    After getting off the subway, Gu Xincheng received a call from Manager Zhang.

    Loncin Capital provided her with a summer internship offer and promised to perform outstandingly during the internship and have a chance to be retained.

    Gu Xincheng expressed his gratitude, but did not immediately agree.

    She needs time to consider and compare with several other companies before deciding which company to go to.

    This whole week she was busy looking for an internship, attending interviews during the day, and coming back at night to sum up her experience and prepare for tomorrow's interview.

    When she returned to school on Friday evening, she bought a box of strawberries from a small shop in the south gate, planning to eat strawberries after taking a bath while watching variety shows to relax her tense nerves.

    When paying, Ji Chengran sent her a WeChat message.

    [Ji Chengran: Don't forget tomorrow. ]

    This was to remind her to go to the company with him tomorrow to have a look, and Gu Xincheng immediately responded with an "OK".

    At nine o'clock in the morning the next day, Gu Xincheng left the dormitory on time.

    With the breeze blowing, the leaves swayed, and the mottled tree shadows reflected on the graffiti wall opposite the dormitory. Ji Chengran was standing under the ginkgo tree waiting for her.

    "Have you had breakfast?" Ji Chengran asked.

    "Drink some yogurt." Gu Xincheng said.

    The business incubation base in Zhongguancun is only two subway stops away from University A. After getting off the subway, the two of them walked for a while, and a cement and glass building came into view.

    "This building is full of start-up companies," Ji Chengran pressed the elevator floor, "The company next door to me was also run by A college students." University A has a

    strong entrepreneurial atmosphere, and many well-known domestic entrepreneurs are alumni of University A.

    The layout of this office building is different from the high-end office buildings in China World Trade Center. Generally, a company only rents one studio, the small one is 30 square meters, and the large one is 60 square meters. Twenty or thirty companies are densely crowded on one floor.

    Along the way, all kinds of start-up companies have taken root here, such as technology, network, law, self-media and so on.

    There are still people working in many companies on Saturdays - working for themselves, so there is no such thing as exploitation or being exploited.

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