Wandered into a Rabbit Trap

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Marshall's POV:

"FUCK!" I cursed, "Are you fucking kidding me?" Out of all of Aaa she could wander into she chooses Maja's territory. Of the few places on the top world were I wasn't guaranteed a victory Maja's forest was the one I avoided most fervently. Not only was he a warlock of power almost as equal to mine, a Vampire King as I am willing to admit, but he was a veritable expert at playing dirty pool and using whoever was at hand to get whatever he wanted. His favorite tactic seemed to be using the people closest to a person to destroy them.

I remembered when he had lured Ashley into handing over my most prized possession in exchange for a new wand. It was insanely easy for him to exchange a mere twig for a emotionally charged teddy bear belonging to the only living heir to the Vampire Kingdom.

If one was to use hambo to his fullest potential it could mean devastation for not only the top world, but the Vampire Kingdom as well. Let me explain, I could bore you with a long explanation on the possessive properties of objects with extreme amounts of emotional charge.

But the long and short of it is basically this, if you love something enough, and hold it very dear to you, you imbue the object with a little bit of yourself. Nothing too major, like a piece of your soul or anything like that. More like an imprint of it, in a sort, just enough for certain people to soul whisper you with it.

Now what is soul whispering you might ask, well you've probably heard about things like voodoo controlling people with pieces of hair and bone, this is pretty much the same thing. A person would take the object with the soul imprint of you, they would set up a simple portal, just like the kind you would take to get to the Night-O-Sphere or any where else you would like to go, the person would then set the emotionally charged object as the destination for the portal, then proceed to go through the portal.

"But that wouldn't do anything." you're probably thinking, "An object isn't a place." Wrong guess buckko, because what does a portal do whean it doesn't have a tangible destination? It searches for the closest tangible match to the coordinates it was given. And if it's coordinates was the imprint of a persons soul it would then try to connect you to that persons soul, and if said person was in close enough proximity, say fifty feet or so, it would work.

The whole thing is a fairly new idea as far as control spells go. About two hundred years ago a couple of warlocks were experimenting with the perfect mind control spell when they stumbled on it. At first it seemed like there were no negative effects when they tried it on lower life forms like rats and fluffy people. But when it came time for a humanoid trial those intrepid little assholes got a rude awakening.

The soul can't be outside the body for too long even under prime conditions like the way a demon might collect one. But when someone fucking teleports into your consciousness it sends your soul rocketing out of your body and pretty much destroys all the ties that keep your soul in your body. Whereas the one who did the teleporting has complete control of what used to be your body. They could make you say or do anything they felt like and when they were done all they would have to do is get close enough to their own body to step back into it.

If you don't get it by now I'm done explaining, It basically means that if he got within fifty feet of me Maja could shove my soul out of my body and use it to do whatever he felt like. Whether it was to declare himself the new king of the Vampire Kingdom or use my power to conquer Aaa, I had no idea what his sick little agendas were.

But the most unsettling part was that since he had acquired Hambo he had never made a move. I hadn't seen hide nor hair of the motherfucker in about fifty years, and I couldn't go looking for him to settle the score because by the time I could reach him he would most probably be all set up to kill me.

And thus we come to my dilemma, do I charge into the forest to save my troublesome bunny, or do I sit around and wait for Maja to find and kill her.

We meet again strawberries! This one took a while to write since I needed some goods ideas to move the plot along. Sorry this is such a short chapter and that it's like 99.9 percent explanation. But it needed to happen, if it helps imagine sexy teacher Marshall with glasses and a black button down explaining it. lol

Another, much more exciting, chapter should be out if not tonight then tomorrow . Please review and tell me what you think, more reviews get me to write chapters faster. Thank you very much for reading!

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