Finally Home

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Jamie shut the front door of your shared apartment, sighing as you help drag Jamie's luggage and set it down next to your couch.

"Cuddle" Jamie says, flopping down onto the couch and holding his arms out for you. You giggle and smile "Of course, love" you say as you cuddle into his side as tight as you could. Jamie rests his chin on the top of your head as you close your eyes, happy to finally have him home again after so long.

Jamie hasn't been home due to away games and you two were barely seeing each other besides the late night facetimes and home games. You love that he's doing something he loves but you also miss the down time that you two have when he's off season, and now off season is finally here.

"I missed this so much" Jamie mumbled, kissing your temple. "Me too, baby" You said, kissing his jaw. It felt like it's been so long since you two have had any down time, including missing out on date nights.

"I love you." Jamie says, wrapping his arms around you just a little tighter. You feel butterflies form in your stomach, ones that have never left ever since you met him. "I love you, too." You say, burying your face into his neck as he held you.

Silence filled your living room as you both didn't say anything, just enjoying the comforting silence while being in each other's embrace, that didn't happen often.

You realize that Jamie had started to drift off, his breathing getting more and more relaxed and soft snores came from him. His arms still tightly wrapped around you and you couldn't get out of his embrace without waking him up. You lightly wiggle out of his arms, trying not to shuffle too much. Jamie tosses around a little but stays asleep.

But apparently you still made him wake up. "Come back here" Jamie drags out his words, a slightly annoyed look spread across his face. "Let's go to bed, hun" you say standing up starting to walk towards your bedroom. "Okay okay" Jamie says slowly standing up and following behind you.

You change into pajama shorts and one of Jamie's hoodies, Jamie just wearing grey sweatpants. You set your shared bedroom lights to dim and snuggle into bed, Jamie as the big spoon. You scoot your ass back a little into his lap. "Hmmm, don't do that unless you want this to turn into more than cuddles, yeah?" Jamie said kissing your neck and sliding a hand down towards your side. Your face heats up "I could say the same to you, Drysdale!" You say with a laugh. "You usually moan my last name... but that's cool too" You gasp and hit his leg, nodding your head with fake disappointment.

"I'm sorry! Missing my girl in every way you could imagine, I suppose." Jamie says with a smirk plastered on his face. "I bet I could change that" You say while turning to face him "Yeah?" Jamie says hovering over you, hair falling into his face. "Oh yeah" you say smiling into a kiss.
"I.. Missed...You...So..Much" Jamie says in between kisses. Jamie lifts up his head, still hovering over you. "You're so cute" You said tracing your thumb over his freckles. Jamie blushed, hiding his face in the crook of your neck and laying fully on top of you. You placed your hand on the back of his head as he laid there, on top of you.

It didn't take long for Jamie to drift off into a peaceful sleep once again. It took you a little longer to fall asleep but eventually you did, in his arms.

Jamie Drysdale | Oneshots ☆Where stories live. Discover now