Movie date

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You grab a popcorn bucket and drink, making your way to the back of the theater to sit with Jamie. You two were seeing a new horror movie and you were extremely anxious knowing you would jump at every single jumpscare. This movie date was Jamie's idea and even though you hated scary movies, you promised you'd make it through just for him.

"Baby, calm down. It isn't gonna be scary." Jamie said, nudging your shoulder. Jamie loves scary movies so you knew he wasn't worried about how scary it was gonna be. You were absolutely terrified, talk about polar opposites.

You kept quiet as anxiety filled your body while staring at the giant movie screen. The theater was pretty much full but, you weren't surprised as this movie had just come out and already had amazing ratings where people titled it "The scariest movie of the decade". Soft whispers filled your ears along with the crunching sound of people stuffing their faces with popcorn. And then finally, the lights dimmed.

"Jamie.."  You said in a whisper filled with fear. Jamie didn't say anything and just grabbed your hand, giving it a gentle squeeze trying to reassure you. As the previews played you started to feel yourself calm down. Jamie rubbing tiny circles around your knuckles. He was trying to comfort you, which was definitely working.

The movie started and instead of watching the screen, you watched Jamie as his bright blue eyes glistened from the screen lighting. He looked so pretty, you wished you could watch him the entire time instead of the movie.

About an hour into the movie, a scary part comes on and you practically jump out of your skin and latch onto Jamie's arm. "Baby, it's okay." Jamie whispered into your ear.

The scene passed, and you finally let your body relax and realize that you were holding your breath the entire time.

The movie has finally come to an end, and you could not wait to get out of the theater. Jamie chose the latest show time so as you stepped back into the real world, it was pitch black on the way back to the car.

You scanned your surroundings nervously as Jamie unlocked the car. You practically jumped in the car and slammed the door shut. You sigh in relief buckling your seatbelt and Jamie let out a chuckle.

"Calm down, y/n" Jamie says, getting in as he pushes the car start button. While Jamie drove you both home, you couldn't get the movie out of your head. Scenes flashing through your mind, even worse when you closed your eyes.

You get home and get ready for bed, happy to be in comfy pajamas and ready to slip in your comfy shared bed with Jamie. You flipped the bathroom light off and ran into the bedroom.

You were greeted with the pleasant sight of Jamie already in bed. You climbed into bed as he held out his arms welcoming you to cuddle him. You snuggled into his side. 

"It was just a dumb movie." Jamie says, kissing your forehead "Yeah yeah... I just can't stop thinking about it." You responded, as you snuggled into Jamie's side as if you couldn't be anymore close. "I've got you, don't worry." Jamie says, wrapping his arms tighter around you.

You wouldn't know what to do without Jamie, ever since he entered your life you couldn't imagine him not in it. He's your whole world, you're so grateful that you found him in the midst of all of your other failed relationships.

It's 3am and you suddenly wake up, you freak out. You scanned the bed to make sure Jamie was still there. Which he was, just like he promised.

"I'm right here, my love.. don't worry. Just go back to sleep" Jamie said, in a sleepy voice as he rubbed your back.
You laid with him, his front to your back as he wrapped his arms from behind you, as you peacefully fell back to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2023 ⏰

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