Demon King

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AFO smiled upon his memory of that event as despite him being in control he knew that Deku in his current state would do anything to protect those he cares about and thus smiled watching the heroes as they saw the orb in his hand.

Quickly on his mind he activated the child's quick and deactivated it as he reached his needed outcome, the return to his youthful state, "this is much better."

AFO quickly using his rejuvenated body used as much of his quirks to remove lesser heroes from the battle as he turned to face Hawks again smiling upon the hero's stand against him.

Hawks looked on holding one of his bladed feathers, "the child's quirk."

"Eri still has her own quirk," AFO grinned as he laughed, "she is of still good use, and may be a 'immortal demon princess' when the time comes."

Hawks looked on as he though of buying time, "why do all of this, fulfill everyone in for a reference?"

The good old villain monologue, All For One thought, silly and a waste of time.

But he was in the edge of history, UA was going to fall, the prodigy of his brother's legacy was going to be his, Tomura was still in his strings and Deku was preparing for his place, he could follow a trope at the moment.

AFO could guess this was for time but to much of an opportunity to miss, "I was inspired by comics."


Within the hideout Eri looked on in fear as she continued to stand beside Mr. Compress helping him stand up.

Despite the battle at the hospital finishing a few weeks ago Eri felt bad that she couldn't heal Compress quickly enough as despite his body in a perfect physical state, mentally the effects lingered on.

Worse off his mind was wandering from conscious and unconscious, Eri's quirk managed to maintain fix his physical health but the effects have since long remained.

"Don't worry young Eri," Compress attempted to reassure the young child, "I am fine."

"But you keep on nearly falling," Eri rebutted with tears upon her eyes, "if I was not in the ball I could have rewind you back there, I could have help you."

Compress sat down as he wiped the tears off the young Child's face, "Eri, in this one life, there are things many desire to do, take it from this old magician's personal regrets, there is a time where you will help and times where you can't."

Eri didn't truly understand what the young magician explained to her and he could see it yet he saw that that small explanation better help in calming the child, as despite her not understanding she knew that he was explaining a lesson.

Compress smiled as he remain within his spot closing his eyes, knowing that he quickly was beginning to lose his state of awareness.

Eri looked at him questioning his constant lapses of consciousness yet from it all she worried for her family as she turned seeing the only other child her age around.

"He will be ok," Kota explained as he stared the one horned girl placing a brace front, "Deku will be back and he will protect us."

Eri smiled upon the though as it was Deku who saved her, yet at the moment she heard that Deku was to searching for someone All For One asked him to find, someone she didn't know why.

As she remained within her thoughts she heard the sound of an all to familiar quirk of teleportation behind her and saw the Demon King looming over the unconscious Compress.

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