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111 Rich

The dish of deep-fried fish was eaten up by the four of them quickly. 𝐟𝙧ee𝔀e𝐛𝓃𝐨𝚟𝑒𝗹.c𝗼𝚖

Ms. Fang tried it and smiled. "Ms. Qiao, you know everything! The fish tastes great!"

Then she added another sentence. "Well, you used a lot of oil, right?"

Qiao Xuan smiled. "Yes, deep-fried things are delicious, and I can try some more dishes like these in the future!"

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"Okay!" Ms. Fang smiled.

She had plenty of money now, and they could use as much oil as they wanted to! It was fine!

Apart from the money Qiao Xuan contributed towards the shared savings, Shao Dalang, Ms. Xu and Shao Taotao had also offered some money to her. Ms. Fang had almost lost track of the amount, and she felt really confident at the moment.

Of course, she was not taking any money from her children for herself. She was actually saving it for their future use.

Shao Sanlang came home too, when Qiao Xuan was making dinner.

Shao Sanlang had gone to the town to buy food!

With money in his hands, he was really drooling, thinking about the dish. He only got time today, since he was helping Qiao Xuan plant the day before.

Shao Sanlang was also very confident, with money in his hands. He went to the town-famous Restaurant Yanhe, and bought braised chickens, fish, deep-fried meat and steamed ducks.

Shao Sanlang was very satisfied by the delicious dishes.

He had been to the town before, and he was salivating over the smell that came out of the restaurant whenever he passed by.

He had sworn in his heart that he was definitely going to save enough money to treat himself to the dishes of this restaurant.

The belief was so firm that he could not get rid of it. Therefore, the moment he got money, he came to visit this place directly.

It was indeed a great place. Each dish was delicious. No wonder they were sold at such a high price.

But after one meal, he lost his motivation.

He made a careful comparison, and found that Fifth Sister-in-law's cooking skills were not worse than the dishes served here, and she could even make better food, sometimes.

Therefore, he was going to buy raw meat and take it home. He would ask his fifth sister-in-law to make the dishes instead. But he had not expected that Fifth Sister-in-law would be able to cook fish, since it was never easy to make it, and only restaurants would normally serve good fish dishes...

Shao Sanlang kept half duck and chicken untouched, and he asked the waiter to wrap it up with leaves and have it covered by a layer of yellow paper.

Shao Sanlang left the restaurant in satisfaction. He bought two more roast chickens, five or six kinds of snacks from the Lanhua dim sum shop, and bought melon seeds, peanuts, preserved apricots, dried jujubes, preserved peaches, dried plums and other snacks at the Guoji roasted goods shop. It was a big bag full of stuff, before he went to buy the ducks.

Shao Sanlang did not let his mother know about how much food he had bought. He was worried that his mother would blame him for wasting money. He delivered the ducks home and gave Shao Junyan and his sister two bags of snacks. He put down the roast chicken in the kitchen as well as a slice of pork belly, before dashing off.

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