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The light at the end of the tunnel drew near, and Wilbur waited with both anxiety and anticipation. Was this truly it? Or was he about to wake up, back in that empty train station again? He bit his lip, tormented by the thoughts as he stood next to the conductor.

"No need to be so worried." Said Grian in attempts to comfort the taller man, almost as though he'd read his mind. Although probably not, since Wilbur could feel the anxiety visible on his own face. He'd just nod as he waited the oncoming end to his abyss, and finally, as the light engulfed his vision, he closed his eyes and waited.

Waited to wake up, or waited for the train to stop? Either way, he waited patiently for the light to dim. But it didn't. Instead, he opened his eyes and was met with sunlight. Bright sunlight that burned at his retinas for just a moment as he struggled to adjust to the brightness that he hadn't seen in what felt like a decade.

"Welcome to Hermitcraft, Wilbur." Says the dirty blonde conductor besides him, putting a comforting hand on his shoulders. The train came to a stop in the middle of a field between mountains, and Wilbur stepped off hastily, a little too hastily in fact, as he faceplanted into the grass-- Grass? Not quite. It felt thicker, like a blanket. What was it? He looked to the green beneath him and realized that it was a little damp.

"That's moss." Says Grian, probably noticing his confusion. "Moss?" Wilbur questioned, feeling the softness of it between his fingers. Gods, its been so long since he's felt anything soft. He felt a grin forming on his face and a laugh escape his throat as he rolled around and lied on his back on the ground, not caring if his clothes were stained a little green. He stared up into the baby blue skies and those clouds-- Oh the clouds!~ He'd missed it dearly, how beautiful the world was. He wanted to live through it all again.

Grian chuckled lightly as he watched the man enjoying himself, only to be drawn away as he felt his communicator buzzing with messages. Oh gods, he'd nearly forgotten. He scrolled back up through the chat, waiting for the yellow text to pop in his vision and slowly reading through the messages.

He was smiling as he read the confused messages, only for horror to settle in when he saw just how many people were coming to check it out. He took a breath as he looked towards Wilbur, who was currently watching with bright eyes at the builds in the area.
"I didn't know minecraft generated mountains like this!" He said, a wide grin on his face.
"Hmm? That's because most of it isn't naturally generated. We built most of those mountains ourselves. We had a base, of course, but besides that, we built it by hand."

What statement felt natural to Grian looked like it shook Wilbur down to his core. "What--?? And nobody blew it up or anything??" He asked, visibly confused. Grian raised an eyebrow. "Why would they--??? But- Wait, wait, before we get sidetracked, there's some people coming, so just stay behind me while I explain, okay? They're very nice, but a little aggressive at first." He says. Before Wilbur could even ask, the sight of people flying overhead and gracefully landing, save for one, caught his eye. One of them fell to the ground HARD and exploded into items, and the newly arrived group erupted into laughter, horrifying the brunette who hadn't yet been told that they had more than 3 lives in this place.

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